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(1) Chen, G.Wang, W.-C.Bao, Q., and Li, J., 2022Evaluation of simulated cloud diurnal variation in CMIP6 climate modelsJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres127, e2021JD036422.

(2) Chen, G., and Wang, W.-C., 2022: Short-term precipitation prediction for contiguous United States using deep learning. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL097904.

(3) H. Kang, X. Shang, M. Abdumutallip, Y. Chen, L. Li, X. Wang, C. Li, H. Ouyang, X. Tang, L. Wang, Y. Rudich, and J. Chen, 2022: Accurate observation of black and brown carbon in atmospheric fine particles via a versatile aerosol concentration enrichment system (VACES). Science of The Total Environment,837, 155817.

(4) Y. Peng, H. Wang, Q. Wang, S. Jing, J. An, Y. Gao, C. Huang, R. Yan, H. Dai, T. Cheng, Q. Zhang, M. Li, J. Hu, Z. Shi, L. Li, S. Lou, S. Tao, Q. Hu, J. Lu, and C. Chen, 2022: Observation-based sources evolution of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in a megacity of China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 124, 794-805.

(5) Yu Y., Zhu Q., He Q., Gao Y., Zhou X., Zhang R., Zhang X., Li H., Wang W., and T. Cheng, 2022: Variations of aerosol and cloud vertical characteristics based on aircraft measurements in upstream of Shanghai during the 2020 China international import expo, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.

(6) Wu, B., and Ding, S., 2022: Cold-Eurasia contributes to arctic warm anomalies. Climate Dynamics, 60, 4157–4172.

(7) Ke, J., M. Mu, and X. Fang, 2022: Impact of Optimally Growing Initial Errors on the Mesoscale Predictability of Heavy Precipitation Events along the Mei-Yu Front in China. Monthly Weather Review, 150, 2399–2421.

(8) Liu, Z., Gao, Y. and Zhang, G, 2022: How well can a convection-permitting-modelling improve the simulation of summer precipitation diurnal cycle over the Tibetan Plateau?. Climate Dynamics, 58, 3121–3138.

(9) Gao, Y., Xu, J., Zhang, M. et al, 2022: Regional climate dynamical downscaling over the Tibetan Plateau—From quarter-degree to kilometer-scale.Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 2237–2247.

(10) Guo, Y., Z. Wen, Y. Zhu, and X. Chen, 2022: Effect of the Late-1990s Change in Tropical Forcing on Teleconnections to the Amundsen–Bellingshausen Seas Region during Austral Autumn. Journal of Climate, 35, 5687–5702.

(11) Li, J., Z. Wen, X. Li, and Y. Guo, 2022: Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over the Indo-China Peninsula and ENSO. Journal of Climate, 35, 975–995.

(12) Ye, J., Guo, Y., Wen, Z. et al, 2022: Longitudinal oscillation mode of the tropical easterly jet in June: role of precipitation anomalies in Asian monsoon region. Climate Dynamics, 60, 1543–1558.

(13) Zhan, X., Wen, Z., Guo, Y., and Huang, S, 2022: Interannual variability of the double easterly jets over the tropical western Pacific and their effects on tropical cyclone genesis. International Journal of Climatology, 43(5), 2050–2061. 

(14) Liang, X., 2022: The Causal Interaction between Complex Subsystems. Entropy, 24, 1-3.

(15) Y. Rong and X. Liang, 2022: An Information Flow-Based Sea Surface Height Reconstruction Through Machine Learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-9.

(16) S. Lv, C. Simmer, Y. Zeng, Z. Su, J. Wen, 2022: Impact of profile-averaged soil ice fraction on passive microwave brightness temperature Diurnal Amplitude Variations (DAV) at L-band, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 205, 103674.

(17) Mu, M., Zhang, K. & Wang, Q, 2022: Recent Progress in Applications of the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation Approach to Atmosphere-Ocean Sciences. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 43, 1033–1048.

(18) D. Liang and B. Sun, 2022: Linearization of light scattering properties based on the physical-geometric optics method, Open Express, 30, 22178-22199.

(19) C. Gao, B. Sun, 2022: Improvement and application of linearized invariant imbedding T-matrix scattering method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 290, 108322.

(20) B. Sun, C. Gao, and Robert Spurr, 2022: Scalar thermal radiation using the adding-doubling method, Open Express, 30, 30075-30097.

(21) B. Sun, C. Gao, D. Liang, Z. Liu, and J. Liu, 2022: Capability and convergence of linearized invariant-imbedding T-matrix and physical-geometric optics methods for light scattering, Open Express, 30, 37769-37785.

(22) Gao, C., Liang, D., Sun, B., Liu, J., Liu, Z. 2022: Linearized Single-Scattering Property Database for Hexagonal Prism Ice Particles. Remote Sensing, 14, 6138.

(23) X. Tan, B. Sun, G. Wang, T. Cheng, K. Huang, F. Shen, 2022: Consecutive retrieval of aerosol optical depth and total suspended solid concentration in turbid coastal water of Eastern China, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 287, 108231.

(24) Zhao, Y., and D. Sun, 2022: ENSO Asymmetry in CMIP6 Models. Journal of Climate, 35, 5555–5572.

(25) Wang, G., Wu, L., Mei, W. et al. 2022: Ocean currents show global intensification of weak tropical cyclones. Nature, 611, 496–500.

(26) Li, H., Xu, F., and Wang, G. 2022: Global mapping of mesoscale eddy vertical tilt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC019131.

(27) L. Wu, and G. Wang. 2022: Surface net heat flux estimated from drifter observations. Journal of Climate, 17,094009.

(28) Q. Shi, and G. Wang. 2022: Satellite observed quick shift events of the wind jet over the South China Sea in summer and its impacts on the ocean circulation, Remote Sensing of Environment, 276, 113039.

(29) Huang, X. and Wang, G. 2022: Response of a Mesoscale Dipole Eddy to the Passage of a Tropical Cyclone: A Case Study Using Satellite Observations and Numerical Modeling. Remote Sensing, 14, 2865.

(30) Yan, Y., Wang, G., Wu, H., Gu, G., 2022: Nanding, N. Characteristics of Precipitation and Floods during Typhoons in Guangdong Province. Remote Sensing, 14, 1945.

(31) Yan, Y., Wang, G., Nanding, N.; Chen, W. 2022: Hydrological Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products in Hunan Province. Remote Sensing,14, 3127.

(32) Wang, X., Wu, Q., Wang, G., and Schroeder, S. R. 2022: Double acceleration effects of closely spaced pairs of ocean fronts on high-wind occurrence frequency during boreal winter. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018020.

(33) Liu, R., G. Wang, C. Chapman, and C. Chen, 2022: The Attenuation Effect of Jet Filament on the Eastward Mesoscale Eddy Lifetime in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52, 805–822.

(34) Sun Y., and Wang X. 2022: Meteorological factor contributions to the seesaw concentration pattern between PM2.5 and O3 in Shanghai. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10.

(35) Lv S, Wen J, Simmer C, Zeng Y, Guo Y, and Su Z. 2022: A Novel Freeze-Thaw State Detection Algorithm Based on L-Band Passive Microwave Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing. 14, 4747.

(36) Chen, X., Wen, Z., Song, Y. et al. 2022: Causes of extreme 2020 Meiyu-Baiu rainfall: a study of combined effect of Indian Ocean and Arctic. Climate Dynamics, 59, 3485–3501.

(37) Liu, S., Wu, Q., Yao, Y., Schroeder, S., and Wang, L. 2022: Impacts of autumn-winter Tibetan Plateau snow anomalies on North Atlantic-Europe and Arctic climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035791.

(38) Hu, Y., Wu, Q., Hu, A. et al. 2022: Quantifying contributions of ozone changes to global and arctic warming during the second half of the twentieth century. Climate Dynamics, 61, 1209–1228.

(39) Zhong, W., and Wu, Z. 2022: Subseasonal variations of Eurasian wintertime surface air temperature: two distinct leading modes. Climate Dynamics, 59, 85–108.

(40) Cao, C., and Wu, Z. 2022: Modulation of the Tibetan Plateau snow cover on the interannual variations of the MJO-Related winter surface air temperature anomalies over East Asia. Climate Dynamics, 59, 3427–3437.

(41) Zhong, W., and Wu, Z. 2022: Subseasonal strength reversal of the East Asian winter monsoon. Climate Dynamics, 61, 709–727.

(42) P. Zha, and Z. Wu. 2022: Contribution of the Tibetan Plateau Winter Snow Cover to Seasonal Prediction of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Atmosphere-Ocean, 61:1, 25-39.

(43) P. ZhangZ. Wu, Z. Zhu and R. Jin. 2022:Promoting seasonal prediction capability of the early autumn tropical cyclone formation frequency over the western North Pacific: effect of Arctic sea ice. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 124012.

(44) P. Zha, and Z. Wu. 2022: Contribution of the Tibetan Plateau Snow Cover to the Record-breaking Rainfall Over the Yangtze River Valley in June 2020, Atmosphere-Ocean, 61:2, 122-134.

(45) Pang, X., Wu, B., and Ding, S. 2022: Strengthened connection between meridional location of winter polar front jet and surface air temperature since the mid-1990s. Climate Dynamics, 60, 3211–3224. 

(46) Zhang, X., Wu, B., and Ding, S. 2022: Influence of spring Arctic sea ice melt on Eurasian surface air temperature. Climate Dynamics, 59, 3305–3316 .

(47) W. Hua, and B. Wu, 2022: Atmospheric circulation anomaly over mid- and high-latitudes and its association with severe persistent haze events in Beijing, Atmospheric Research, 277, 106315.

(48) Zhang, X., Wu, B., and Ding, S. 2022: Combined effects of La Niña events and Arctic tropospheric warming on the winter North Pacific storm track. Climate Dynamics, 60, 1351–1368.

(49) Liu, L., Wu, B., and Ding, S. 2022: On the association of the summertime shortwave cloud radiative effect in northern Russia with atmospheric circulation and climate over East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096606.

(50) B. Wu et al. 2022:A recent weakening of winter temperature association between Arctic and Asia. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 034030.

(51) Yang, H., Zhou, X., Yang, Q. et al. 2022: Roles of climate feedback and ocean vertical mixing in modulating global warming rate. Climate Dynamics, 60, 1187–1201.

(52) You, Q., Jiang, Z., Yue, X. et al. 2022: Recent frontiers of climate changes in East Asia at global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5, 80.

(53) Safi Ullah, Q. You et al. 2022: Spatiotemporal changes in global aridity in terms of multiple aridity indices: An assessment based on the CRU data, Atmospheric Research, 268, 105998.

(54) Ullah, S., You, Q., Chen, D., Sachindra, D. A., AghaKouchak, A., Kang, S., et al. 2022: Future population exposure to daytime and nighttime heat waves in South Asia. Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002511.

(55) Ullah, S., You, Q., et al. 2022: Characteristics of human thermal stress in South Asia during 1981–2019. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 104018.

(56) J. Cheng, Q. You, M. Cai, J. Sun, and Y. Zhou, 2022: Cloud Water Resource over the Asian water tower in recent decades, Atmospheric Research, 269, 106038.

(57) Z. Jin, Q. You, et al. 2022: Increased ecohydrological drying over terrestrial ecosystems, Atmospheric Research, 277, 106308.

(58) Yang, Y., You, Q., Jin, Z., Zuo, Z., and Zhang, Y. 2022: Construction of surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau based on generative adversarial networks. International Journal of Climatology, 42, 10107–10125.

(59) Zhang, J., You, Q., Wu, F. et al. 2022: The Warming of the Tibetan Plateau in Response to Transient and Stabilized 2.0°C/1.5°C Global Warming Targets. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39, 1198–1206.

(60) J. Zhang, Q. You, G. Ren and S. Ullah. 2022: Projected changes in mild weather frequency over China under a warmer climate. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 114042.

(61) J. Zhang, Q. You and S. Ullah. 2022: Changes in photovoltaic potential over China in a warmer future. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 114032.

(62) J. Zhang, Q. You, G. Ren, and S. Ullah, 2022: Substantial increase in human-perceived heatwaves in eastern China in a warmer future, Atmospheric Research, 283, 106554.

(63) Y. Zhou, J. Yuan, et al. 2022: The impacts of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet on weather extremes over China in early and late summer, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 15, 100212.

(64)Zhou, Y., Yuan, J., Wen, Z. et al. 2022: The influence of the wave trains on the intraseasonal variability of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet in early and late summer. Climate Dynamics, 60, 2081–2095.

(65) Lin, Q., and J. Yuan, 2022: Linkages between Amplified Quasi-Stationary Waves and Humid Heat Extremes in Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes. Journal of Climate, 35, 8245–8258.

(66) J. Yuan, Q. Lin, S. Chen, H. Zhao, X. Xie, Z. Cai, J. Zhang, T. Cheng, M. Hua, R. Zhang, 2022: Influence of global warming and urbanization on regional climate of Megacity: A case study of Chengdu, China, Urban Climate, 44, 101227.

(67) Zhou, Y., Zhan, R., Wang, Y., Wu, Z., Chen, G., and Wang, L. 2022: Characteristics and controlling factors of rapid weakening of tropical cyclones after reaching their intensity peaks over the western North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036697.

(68) Zhan, R., Wang, Y. and Ding, Y. 2022: Impact of the Western Pacific Tropical Easterly Jet on Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over the Western North Pacific. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39, 235–248.

(69) Zhang, R., Tang, X., Liu, J. et al. 2022: From concept to action: a united, holistic and One Health approach to respond to the climate change crisis. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 11, 17.

(70) Ouyang, H., Tang, X., and Zhang, R. 2022: Research Themes, Trends and Future Priorities in the Field of Climate Change and Health: A Review. Atmosphere13, 2076.

(71) J. Ma, R. Zhang, et al. 2022: MERRA-2 PM2.5 mass concentration reconstruction in China mainland based on LightGBM machine learning. Science of The Total Environment, 827, 154363.

(72) S. Chen, R. Zhang, et al. 2022: Sources, characteristics and climate impact of light-absorbing aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau, Earth-Science Reviews, 232, 104111.

(73) Dou, J., and Zhang, R. 2022: Weakened relationship between ENSO and Antarctic sea ice in recent decades. Climate Dynamics, 60, 1313–1327.

(74) S. Chen, H. Bi, R. Zhang, et al. 2022: Impact of dust-cloud-radiation interactions on surface albedo: a case study of 'Tiramisu' snow in Urumqi, China. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 015001.

(75) Song, X., R. Zhang, and X. Rong, 2022: Dynamic Causes of ENSO Decay and Its Asymmetry. Journal of Climate, 35, 445–462.

(76) Zhang, R., J. A. Screen, and R. Zhang, 2022: Arctic and Pacific Ocean Conditions Were Favorable for Cold Extremes over Eurasia and North America during Winter 2020/21. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, E2285–E2301.

(77) Zhang, R., Zhang, R., and Sun, C. 2022: Modulation of the interdecadal variation of atmospheric background flow on the recent recovery of the EAWM during the 2000s and its link with North Atlantic–Arctic warming. Climate Dynamics, 59, 561–578.

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(79) Zhao, C., Zhang, Y., Zheng, D., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Fan, X., et al. 2022: Using polarimetric radar observations to characterize first echoes of thunderstorms and nonthunderstorms: A comparative study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036671.

(80) Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Krehbiel, P. R. 2022: Analysis of the configuration relationship between the morphological characteristics of lightning channels and the charge structure based on the localization of VHF radiation sources. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099586.

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(82) C. Wang, X. An, D. Zhao, et al. 2022: Development of GRAPES-CUACE adjoint model version 2.0 and its application in sensitivity analysis of ozone pollution in north China, Science of The Total Environment, 826, 153879.

(83) H. Shen, L.Vereecken, S. Kang, I. Pullinen, H. Fuchs, D. Zhao, and T. F. Mentel. 2022: Unexpected significance of a minor reaction pathway in daytime formation of biogenic highly oxygenated organic compounds. Science advances,8, eabp8702.

(84) Zhang, R., W. Zhou, W. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, and P. K. Y. Cheung, 2022: Changes in the Relationship between ENSO and the Winter Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex in Recent Decades. Journal of Climate, 35, 5399–5414.

(85) Liu, Z., W. Zhou, R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and Y. Wang, 2022: Global-Scale Interpretable Drought Reconstruction Utilizing Anomalies of Atmospheric Dynamics. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 23, 1507–1524.

(86) Zhang, Y., W. Zhou, J. Ling, and L. Qi, 2022: Water Vapor Transport by an Equivalent-Barotropic Cyclonic Anomaly Corresponding to Extreme Austral Late Summer Precipitation in Southeast Australia during 2021. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79, 2343–2361.

(87) Li, Y., W. Zhou, S. Yang, R. Zhang, H. Cheung, and Y. Zhang, 2022: Recent Early-Spring Drying Trend over Southern China Associated with Changes in the Zonal Thermal Contrast over the Pacific. Journal of Climate, 35, 6487–6498.

(88) Zhang, Y., Zhou, W., Wang, X. et al. 2022: Indian Ocean Dipole and ENSO’s mechanistic importance in modulating the ensuing-summer precipitation over Eastern China. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5, 48.

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(110) Zhou, J., Lei, R., Xu, J., Peng, L., Ye, X., Yang, D., Yang, S., Yin, Y., Zhang, R. 2022: The Effects of Short-Term PM2.5 Exposure on Pulmonary Function among Children with Asthma—A Panel Study in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 11385.

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(114) Z. Li, G. Xie, H. Chen, B. Zhan, L. Wang, Y. Mu, A. Mellouki, and J. Chen, 2022: Characterization of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) under different PM2.5 concentration in wintertime at a North China rural site, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 114, 221-232.

(115) Ma, X., L. Wang, D. Smith, L. Hermanson, R. Eade, N. Dunstone, S. C. Hardiman, and J. Zhang, 2022: ENSO and QBO modulation of the relationship between Arctic sea ice loss and Eurasian winter climate, Environmental Research Letters, 17, 24016.

(116) Wang, L., and M. F. Ting, 2022: Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling Leading to Extended Seasonal Predictability of Summer North Atlantic Oscillation and Boreal Climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096362.

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