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1.  气象学


本领域内主要专家:张人禾、温之平、武炳义、吴志伟、吴其冈、付秀华、高艳红、游庆龙、王 蕾。

2.  物理海洋与海洋气象学


本领域内主要专家:穆 穆、孙德征、王桂华、吴立广。

3.  大气物理学与大气环境




Postdoctoral Program in Atmospheric Sciences

Person in Charge: Zhiping Wen

Secretary: Xianghui Fang

Tel: (86) 21-31248802

Fax: (86) 21-31248802

E-mail: fangxh@fudan.edu.cn


1.  Meteorology

Research fields: Study the interactions between the five major components of the climate system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, lithosphere), especially the air-sea interactions, ocean circulation variations, and the impact of and human activities on climate change; changes in extreme weather events under global warming and the associated mechanisms, as well as the impacts of human activities on extreme weather events.

Experts in this Field: Renhe Zhang, Zhiping Wen, Bingyi Wu, Zhiwei Wu, Qigang Wu, Joshua Xiouhua Fu, Yanhong Gao, Qinglong You, Lei Wang.

2.  Physical Oceanography and Marine Meteorology

Research fields: Focus on the characteristics and mechanisms of the multi-scale variability of physical oceanography and marine meteorology, processes of ocean dynamics and atmosphere-ocean coupling relevant to weather and climate, forecast and predictability of physical oceanography and marine meteorology.

Experts in this Field: Mu Mu, Dezheng Sun, Guihuang Wang, Liguang Wu.

3.  Atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment

Research fields: Focus on the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer and their roles in the formation and evolution of the atmospheric pollution, especially the effects of changes in atmospheric chemical composition on air quality, human health, weather, and climate.

Experts in this Field: Jianmin Chen, Yijun Zhang, Tiantao Cheng, Defeng Zhao.

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