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CD: 深入理解冬季青藏高原积雪年际异常对MJO的调制作用有助于提高东亚地表气温次季节预报技巧
发布时间: 2022-05-28

Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)作为冬季热带大气季节内振荡的主要模态,能够通过与背景场(mean state)间的相互作用,激发大气遥相关(简称MJO-teleconnection)可对中高纬地表气温的次季节变率产生重要影响。同时,MJO-teleconnection本身也会受到不同物理因子(如:ENSOIODQBO)年际异常的影响。迄今为止,少有研究关注青藏高原积雪的年际变率对其调制作用。



论文于2022年发表在《Climate Dynamics》期刊上。

论文信息:Cao C.,Zhiwei Wu*2022: Modulation of the Tibetan Plateau snow cover on the interannual variations of the MJO-Related winter surface air temperature anomalies over East Asia. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06275-4   

Fig. 1 Composite surface air temperature anomalies (shading, ) in MJO phase 3 for the ETPSC winters (a), RTPSC winters (b) and the climatology (c). The differences between the ETPSC winters and climatology (d), RTPSC winters and climatology (e), and the ETPSC winters and RTPSC (f) winters are shown. Black dots show the significance at the 90% confidence level. The focused region is (35°-45°N,100°-130°E).  

Fig. 2 Individual terms of the meridional advection of the temperature (10-6 K/s) averaged in the box region (35°-45°N,100°-130°E) at 1000 hPa (averaged from day -10 to day 0) for (a) the ETPSC (green), the climatology (blue) and the difference (white) for the MJO phase 3, (b) the RTPSC (red) , the climatology (blue) and the difference (white) for the MJO phase 3, (c) the ETPSC (green), the RTPSC (red) and the difference (white) for the MJO phase 3. The asterisk indicates the difference significant at the 90% confidence level.

Fig. 3 Composite geopotential height anomalies (shading, gpm) at 200 and 500 hPa in MJO phase 3 for the ETPSC winters (a, d), RTPSC winters (b, e) and the climatology (c, f). The wave activity fluxes (vectors, m2/s2) at 200 hPa are also shown. The curve shows the geopotential height anomalies significant at 95% confidence level.

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