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汤绪(Xu Tang)







城市环境气象与健康, 基于影响的气象预报,多风险互联及多灾种早期预警, 夏季风北边缘带变化及其影响,国际多边科技合作与治理




博士学位(2006年),气象学,博士, 北京大学


现任复旦大学发展研究院、365体育官方唯一入口/大气科学研究院,教授级高级工程师。兼任联合国减灾署/国际科学理事会国际减灾研究计划IRDR计划办公室高级科学顾问,欧盟联合研究中心(JRC)《灾害风险科学管理(Science for DRM 2020):Action today, protecting tomorrow》(第三章)评审组组长等。曾任联合国特别机构世界气象组织(WMO)天气与减灾服务司司长,中国气象局科技司司长、发展战略研究室主任、华东区域气象中心主任和上海气象局局长等。曾于1997/06 – 1998/09以访问学者身份在美国大气海洋管理署天气局气象司及技术开发实验室(NWS/NOAA)工作。


在上海任职期间,曾获WMO颁发的世界气象馆突出贡献证书(WMO Certificate for outstanding contribution to MeteoWorld Pavilion),主持过一项国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目,多次承担市科技创新计划项目,并两次获得市科技进步二等奖。


2020/01 - 至今,联合国减灾署/国际科学理事会国际减灾研究计划IRDR计划办公室,高级科学顾问

2017/10-现在, 担任欧盟联合研究中心(JRC)《灾害风险科学管理(Science for DRM 2020):Action today, protecting tomorrow》科学评估组第三章评审组组长

2020/01-现在,  IRDR Research Agenda 评审组成员


1Xu Tang, Kyoji Sassa, Guy Brasseur, et al. 2020, Collaboration in MHEWS through an Integrated Way, Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides. Springers, Accepted.

2、汤绪. 2020. 一场疫情,将全球化带向何方. 半月谈. 9: 84-86.

3Jochen Luther, Miriam Andrioli, Cyrille Honoré, Xu Tang. 2019. Contributing to Building a Weather-ready, Resilient and Sustainable Society. WMO Bulletin 68 (1): 29 

4Jochen Luther, Alasdair Hainsworth, Xu Tang, John Harding, Jair Torres, Margheita Fanchhiotti, WMO — Concerted International Efforts for Advancing Multi-hazard Early     Warning Systems, Workshop on World Landslide Forum, WLF 2017: Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides pp 129-1412017

5、汤绪. 2016. 超大城市气象观测网的设计与应用. 气象科技进展, 6(4), 8-7.

6、汤绪. 2014. 气象服务发展框架、方向与青年人的参与——基于WMO气象服务相关战略及计划的分析与思考. 气象, 40(3), 261-268.

7、汤绪, 杨续超, 田展, Gunter Fischer, Sun Laixiang, 潘婕. 2011. 气候变化对中国农业气候资源的影响. 资源科学, 33(10), 1962-1968.

8TANG Xu, CHEN Baode, LIANG Ping, and QIAN Weihong. 2010. Definition and Features of the North Edge of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Acta Meteor. Sinica, 24(1), 43-49. 

汤绪,陈葆德,梁萍,钱维宏. 2009. 有关东亚夏季风北边缘的定义及其特征. 气象学报, 67(1):83-89.

9Xu Tang. 2008. “New Challenges for Weather Services in Changing Urban Environments”, WMO Bulletin 57 (4)

10、汤绪, 钱维宏, 孙国武. 2008. 东亚副热带夏季风研究进展及相关问题. 高原气象. 27(增刊):1-7.

11、汤绪, 赵兵科, 孙国武, 梁萍,钱维宏. (2007). 青藏高原地形对东亚夏季风北缘影响的数值试验. 高原气象, 026(005), 921-927.

12、汤绪, 孙国武, 钱维宏.《亚洲夏季风北边缘研究》, 气象出版社,2007年 , ISBN9787502942236

13Xu Tang. 2006. “Managing Disaster Risk in a Mega-city”, WMO Bulletin 55 (4) – October.

14Xu Tang et. al.  2006. Cloud types and properties associated with the Asian summer monsoons as determined from MODIS/TERRA measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2006, 33, L07814, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026004. (SCI) 

15、汤绪,  钱维宏,  梁萍.  2006. 东亚夏季风边缘带的气候特征. 高原气象. 25(3), 375-381.

16、汤绪, 余亚勋, 李耀辉, 张存杰. 2004. 甘肃河西走廊春季沙尘暴与低空急流. 高原气象, 23(6): 840-846,

17、汤绪. 2004. 西部资源型城市转型期城市定位及空间布局初探--以金昌市为例. 城市规划, 27(11), 73-75.

18、徐祥德, 汤绪. 2002.《城市气象与环境概论》, 气象出版社.ISBN750293315

TANG Xu, obtained his Ph.D. in Meteorology and graduated from School of Physics, Peking University in July 2005, is now a Professor of Fudan Development Institute (FDDI) and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/Institute of Atmospheric Sciences (AOS/IAS). He also serves as the Senior Scientific Advisor of the International Programme Office (IPO), Integrated Research on DRR (IRDR), jointly established by ISC/UNDRR.

Before joining Fudan University, he served as Director of the Weather and Disaster Reduction Services Department of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the specialized agency of the United Nations. During his time at WMO, he coordinated the implementation of 6 WMO scientific and operational programs in weather forecasting, typhoon prevention, disaster risk reduction and public services, aviation and marine meteorology etc.). He organized the development and implementation of the WMO DRR Road Map for Action for implementing the UN SFDRR, SDGs, Paris Agreement and New Urban Agenda. He initiated, jointly with other 22 international organizations, the International Network on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (IN-MHEWS), in the third United Nations World Conference on DRR (WCDRR-III) in March 2015. Since then, he played a key role in organizing two International Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conferences (MHEWC-I, MHEWC-II) in 2017 (Cancun, México) and 2019 (Geneva) and in issuing several important documents including the Check List of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and Guideline on Multi-Hazard Impact Based Forecasting and Warning Services.


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