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沈小静(Xiaojing Shen)

















 1. 2023.1-2025.12气科院基本科研业务费重点项目“基于模式研发和改进的大气成分观测研究”,90万元,主持

 2. 2023.12-2026.11 国家重点研发计划专题项目“长三角地区高山和地面站PM2.5理化特性与O3的协同观测”,35万元,主持

 3. 2021.1-2024.12国家自然科学基金面上项目”基于大气气溶胶数谱和吸湿性观测改进低能见度参数化方案的研究“,58万元,主持

 4. 2019.1-202.122国家自然科学基金面上项目”华北地区不同环境大气中离子介导成核在新粒子生成事件中的作用“,68万元,主持

 5. 2018.1-2021.12国家重点研发计划专题“区域污染与气象因子之间的内在联系“,178万元,主持

 6. 2015.1-2017.12国家自然科学基金青年项目”长三角地区雾-霾天气条件下大气黑碳气溶胶混合状态特征的观测研究“,25万元,主持






Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Atmospheric Environment、气象与环境学报等期刊审稿人




科技部2019年度重点领域创新团队 核心成员,2019







1. Shen, X. J*., Sun, J., Che, H., et al., Characterization of dust-related new particle formation events based on long-term measurement in the North China Plain.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 8241–8257, 2023.

2. Shen, X.J., Sun, J*., Ma, Q., Zhang, Y., et al. Long-term trend of new particle formation events in the Yangtze River Delta, China and its influencing factors: 7-year dataset analysis, Science of the Total Environment, 807, 150783, 2022.

3. Shen, X. J*., Sun, J., Yu, F., Wang, Y., et al., Enhancement of nanoparticle formation and growth during the COVID-19 lockdown period in urban Beijing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 7039–7052, 2021.

4. Shen, X. J*., Sun, J., Zhang, X., et al., A novel method of retrieving low visibility during heavily polluted episodes in the North China plain. Atmospheric Environment: X, 9, 2021.

5. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*, Zhang, X. Y*., et al. Variations in submicron aerosol liquid water content and the contribution of chemical components during heavy aerosol pollution episodes in winter in Beijing, Science of the Total Environment, 693, 133521, 2019.

6. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Kivekäs, N*., et al. Spatial distribution and occurrence probability of regional new particle formation events in eastern China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 587–599, 2018.

7. Shen, X. J, Sun, J*., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Tan, K., Wang, P., Zhang, L., Qi, X., Che, H., Zhang, Z., Zhong, J., Zhao, H., Ren, S., Comparison of Submicron Particles at a Rural and an Urban Site in the North China Plain during the December 2016 Heavy Pollution Episodes. Journal of Meteorological Research 32, 26-37, 2018.

8. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, L., et al. The influence of emission control on particle number size distribution and new particle formation during China's V-Day parade in 2015, Science of The Total Environment, 573, 409–419, 2016.

9. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y. M., et al. Key features of new particle formation events at background sites in China and their influence on cloud condensation nuclei, Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 10 (5), 05, 2016.

10. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, Y. M., et al., The influence of Asian dust outflow on particle microphysical and optical properties at Mt. Tai in central east China. Atmospheric Environment 143, 27-38, 2016.

11. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, X., et al., Particle Climatology in Central East China Retrieved from Measurements in Planetary Boundary Layer and in Free Troposphere at a 1500-m-High Mountaintop Site. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16, 689-701, 2016.

12. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y. M., et al. Characterization of submicron aerosols and effect on visibility during a severe haze-fog episode in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmos. Environ., 120, 307–316. 2015.

13. Shen, X. J., Sun, J. Y*., Zhang, Y. M., et al., First long-term study of particle number size distributions and new particle formation events of regional aerosol in the North China Plain, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 1565–1580, 2011.

14. Liu, S., Wang, P., Ma, Q., Shen, X. J*., et al., Key characteristics of new particle formation events occurring simultaneously in the Yangtze River Delta and northeast rural sites in China. Atmospheric Environment, 324,120406, 2024.

15. Zhang, S., Shen, X. J*., Sun, J. Y*., et al., Atmospheric particle hygroscopicity and the influence by oxidation state of organic aerosols in urban Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences 124, 544-556, 2023.

16. Zhang, S., Shen, X. J*., Sun, J. Y*., et al., Seasonal variation of particle hygroscopicity and its impact on cloud-condensation nucleus activation in the Beijing urban area. Atmospheric Environment 302, 119728, 2023.

17. Wang, X., Shen, X. J*., Sun, J. Y., et al., Size-resolved hygroscopic behavior of atmospheric aerosols during heavy aerosol pollution episodes in Beijing in December 2016, Atmos. Environ., 194, 188–197, 2018.


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