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苏京志(Jingzhi Su)











1993/9–1997/7,烟台师范学院, 数学,学士







国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范”重点专项项目“基于非结构网格的天气—气候一体化模式集成与应用”,项目批准号:2019YFC1510000,起止年月:2020-01 2022-121914万元,结题,主持

国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害防控与公共安全”重点专项项目“海洋大气耦合机制与数值预报模式技术研究”,项目批准号:2022YFC3004203,起止年月:2022.112025.10310 万元,在研,骨干参加



1. Xiaolei Liu, Jingzhi Su*, Yihao Peng, et al. (2024). A statistic of the subseasonal forecast skill windows of 2-meter air temperature. Environmental Research Communications, https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ad6667

2. Yihao Peng, Xiaolei Liu, Jingzhi Su*, et al. (2023). Skill improvement of the yearly updated reforecasts in ECMWF S2S prediction from 2016 to 2022, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 16(5): 100357

3. Bo Liu, Jingzhi Su*, Libin Ma, et al. (2021). Seasonal prediction skills in the CAMS-CSM climate forecast system, Climate Dynamics, 57(11-12): 2953-2970

4. Lijuan Hua, Jingzhi Su* (2020) Southeastern Pacific error leads to failed El Niño forecasts, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(17): e2020GL088764

5. Yunhao Shi, Jingzhi Su* (2020). A Statistical Comparison of the Westerly Wind Bursts between the Positive and Negative Phases of the PDO. Journal of Meteorological Research volume 34: 315–324.

6. Jingzhi Su*, Tao Lian, Renhe Zhang, Dake Chen (2018). Monitoring the pendulum between El Nino and La Nina events. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 074001

7. Jingzhi Su*, Renhe Zhang, Xinyao Rong, et al. (2018). Sea surface temperature in the subtropical Pacific boosted the 2015 El Nino and hindered the 2016 La Nina. Journal of Climate, 31(2), 877-893

8. Jingzhi Su*, Renhe Zhang, Huijun Wang (2017). Consecutive record-breaking high temperatures marked the handover from hiatus to accelerated warmingScientific Reports, 7(43735)

9. Qingye MinSu Jingzhi*Renhe Zhang (2017). Impact of the South and North Pacific Meridional Modes on the El Nino–Southern Oscillation: Observational Analysis and ComparisonJournal of Climate, 30(5): 1705-1720

10. Qingye Min, Jingzhi Su*, Renhe Zhang, and Xinyao Rong (2015). What hindered the El Nino pattern in 2014? Geophysical Research Letters, 42: 6762—6770

11. Jingzhi Su*, Baoqiang Xiang, Bin Wang, and Tim Li (2014). Abrupt termination of the 2012 Pacific warming and its implication on ENSO prediction. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(24): 9058—9064

12. Jingzhi Su, Tim Li, and Renhe Zhang* (2014). The initiation and developing mechanisms of central Pacific El Ninos. Journal of Climate, 27(12): 4473—4485

13. Jingzhi Su*, Huijun Wang, Haijun Yang, Helge Drange et al. (2008). Role of the atmospheric and oceanic meridional circulation in the tropical SST changes. Journal of Climate, 21(10): 2019—2034


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