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吕伟涛(Weitao Lv)

























20186月起,担任国际大气电学委员会(International Commission on Atmospheric ElectricityICAE)委员、委员会秘书;


20158月起,担任国际雷电探测会议和国际雷电气象会议科学委员会(ILDC/ILMC Scientific Committee)委员;










1. Lyu, W. T.*, Zheng, D., Zhang, Y., Yao, W., Jiang, R., Yuan, S., Liu, D., Lyu, F., Zhu, B., Lu, G., Zhang, Q., Tan, Y., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Chen, S., Chen, L., Li, Q., and Zhang, Y., 2023: A review of atmospheric electricity research in China from 2019 to 2022. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2280-x.

 2. Qi, Q., Wu, B., Lyu, W.*, Ma, Y., Chen, L., Lyu, F., Gao, Y., 2023. The Attachment Process of Negative Connecting Leader to the Lateral Surface of Downward Positive Leader in a Positive Cloud‐To‐Ground Lightning Flash. Geophys. Res. Lett. 50 (15). 10.1029/2023GL104887.

 3. Wu, B., Qi, Q., Lyu, W.*, Ma, Y., Chen, L., Lyu, F., Zhang, Y., Fan, Y., Rakov, V.A., 2023. High‐Speed Video Observations of Needles Evolving Into Negative Leaders in a Positive Cloud‐To‐Ground Lightning Flash. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (21). 10.1029/2023JD039523.

 4. Xu, W., Lyu, W.*, Wang, X., Chen, L., Wu, B., Qi, Q., Ma, Y., Hua, L., 2023. Correlation between the Channel Discharge Current and Spectrum of a Single-Stroke Lightning Flash to Canton Tower. Remote Sens. 15 (24), 5746. 10.3390/rs15245746.

 5. Zheng, T., Tan, Y.*, Wang, H., Shi, Z., Lyu, W.*, Wu, B., Zhang, Y., 2022. A Self‐Sustained Charge Neutrality Intracloud Lightning Parameterization Containing Channel Decay and Reactivation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 (23). 10.1029/2022GL100849.

 6. Wang, X., Wang, H., Lyu, W.*, Chen, L., Ma, Y., Qi, Q., Wu, B., Xu, W., Hua, L., Yang, J., Wang, J., 2022. First Experimental Verification of Opacity for the Lightning Near‐Infrared Spectrum. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 (13). 10.1029/2022GL098883.

 7. Wu, B., Lyu, W.*, Qi, Q., Ma, Y., Chen, L., Rakov, V.A., Lyu, F., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., 2022. High‐Speed Video Observations of Needles in a Positive Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Flash. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49 (2). 10.1029/2021GL096546.

 8. Chen, L., Lyu, W.*, Ma, Y., Qi, Q., Wu, B., Zhang, Y., Yin, Q., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, S., Yan, X., Du, S., 2022. Return-stroke current measurement at the Canton Tower and preliminary analysis results. Electr. Pow. Syst. Res. 206, 107798. 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.107798.

 9. Jiang, R., Lyu, W.*, Wu, B., Qi, Q., Chen, L., Ma, Y., Lyu, F., Zhu, Y., Rakov, V.A., 2021. First Documented Downward Positive Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Initiated by an Upward Negative Lightning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (13). 10.1029/2021JD034566.

 10. Wu, B., Lyu, W.*, Qi, Q., Ma, Y., Chen, L., Jiang, R., Zhu, Y., Rakov, V.A., 2021. A Positive Cloud‐to‐Ground Flash Caused by a Sequence of Bidirectional Leaders that Served to Form a Ground‐Reaching Branch of a Pre‐Existing Horizontal Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (11). 10.1029/2020JD033653.

 11. Qi, Q., Lyu, W.*, Wang, D., Wu, B., Ma, Y., Chen, L., Lyu, F., Jiang, R., 2021. Two‐Dimensional Striking Distance of Lightning Flashes to a Cluster of Tall Buildings in Guangzhou. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (22). 10.1029/2021JD034613.

 12. Fan, Y., Lyu, W.*, Lu, G., Wu, B., Qi, Q., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Lyu, F., Chen, L., 2021. Electromagnetic Characteristics of Upward Leader Initiated From the Canton Tower: A Comparison With Rocket‐Triggered Lightning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (21). 10.1029/2021JD034998.

 13. Jiang, R., W. Lyu*, B. Wu, Q. Qi, Y. Ma, Z. Su, S. Wu, Z. Xie, Y. Tan. (2020). Simulation of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes to structures based on an improved stochastic lightning model. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 203: 105274.

 14. Zhu, Y., Lyu, W.*, Cramer, J., Rakov, V., Bitzer, P., & Ding, Z. (2020). Analysis of location errors of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network using lightning strikes to towers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032530. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD032530.

 15. Qi, Q., Lyu, W.*, Ma, Y., Wu, B., Chen, L., Jiang, R., Zhu, Y., Rakov, V. (2019). High‐Speed Video Observations of Natural Lightning Attachment Process With Framing Rates up to Half a Million Frames per Second. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 12,580–12,587. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085072. 2019.11.

 16. Wu, B., Lyu, W. *, Qi, Q., Ma, Y., Chen, L., Jiang, R., Zhu, Y., Rakov, V. A. 2019. High‐speed video observations of recoil leaders producing and not producing return strokes in a Canton‐Tower upward flash. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 8546–8553. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083862.

 17. Su Z, Lyu W*, Chen L, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Chen S, Yan X, Wu B, Qi Q, Wu S, 2019. Lightning Electromagnetic Fields along an Ocean-Land Mixed Propagation Path Generated by Return Strokes to Wind Turbines. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 61(3): 653-662.

 18. Chen L, Lyu W*, Zhang Y, Ma Y, Qi Q, Wu B, Zhu Y, 2019. Correlated luminosity and magnetic field peaks produced by canton tower-strokes. Atmospheric Research, 218: 59-69.

 19. Su Z, Lyu W*, Chen L, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Chen S, Yan X, Qi Q, Wu S, 2019. Shielding Effect of Surrounding Buildings on the Lightning-Generated Vertical Electric Field at the Top of a Tall Building. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 61(1): 174-182. DOI:10.1109/TEMC.2018.2790346.

 20. Wu, B., Lyu, W.*, Qi, Q., Ma, Y., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., et al., 2019. Synchronized two‐station optical and electric field observations of multiple upward lightning flashes triggered by a 310‐kA +CG flash. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 1050–1063.

 21. Qi Qi, Weitao Lyu*, Bin Wu, Ying Ma, Luwen Chen, Hengyi Liu, 2018. Three-dimensional optical observations of an upward lightning triggered by positive cloud-to-ground lightning, Atmospheric Research, 214: 275-283, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.08.003.

 22. Zhang, C., W. Lu*, L. Chen, Q. Qi, Y. Ma, W. Yao, and Y. Zhang, 2017, Influence of the Canton Tower on the cloud-to-ground lightning in its vicinity, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JD026229.

23. Weitao Lu, Qi Qi, Ying Ma, Luwen Chen, Xu Yan, Vladimir A. Rakov, Daohong Wang, Yijun Zhang, 2016. Two basic leader connection scenarios observed in negative lightning attachment process. High Voltage, 1(1): 11-17, doi: 10.1049/hve.2016.0002.

 24. Qi Qi, Weitao Lu*, Ying Ma, Luwen Chen, Yijun Zhang, V. A. Rakov, 2016. High-speed video observations of the fine structure of a natural negative stepped leader at close distance. Atmospheric Research, 178-179: 260-267, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.03.027.

25. Lu, W.*, Y. Gao, L. Chen, Q. Qi, Y. Ma, Y. Zhang, S. Chen, X. Yan, C. Chen, Y. Zhang,  2015. Three-dimensional propagation characteristics of the leaders in the attachment process of a downward negative lightning flash, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2015.07.011. 136, 23-30.

 26. Chen, L., W. Lu*, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, 2015. Optical Progression Characteristics of an Interesting Natural Downward Bipolar Lightning Flash, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022463.

 27. Gao, Y., W. Lu*, Y. Ma, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, 2014, Three-dimensional propagation characteristics of the upward connecting leaders in six negative tall-object flashes in Guangzhou, Atmospheric Research, 149, 193-203, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.06.008.

28. Lu, W.*, L. Chen, Y. Ma, V. A. Rakov, Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, Q. Yin, and Y. Zhang, 2013. Lightning attachment process involving connection of the downward negative leader to the lateral surface of the upward connecting leader, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, doi:10.1002/2013GL058060.

 29. Zhou, E., W. Lu*, Y. Zhang, B. Zhu, D. Zheng, Y. Zhang, 2013. Correlation Analysis between the Channel Current and Luminosity of Initial Continuous and Continuing Current Processes in an Artificially Triggered Lightning Flash. Atmospheric Research. 129-130, 79-89, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.10.020.

30. Lu, W.*, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Gao, Q. Yin, S. Chen, Z. Huang, and Y. Zhang, 2012. Characteristics of unconnected upward leaders initiated from tall structures observed in Guangzhou, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 117, D19211, doi:10.1029/2012JD018035.

31. Lu, W., D. Wang*, Y. Zhang, and N. Takagi, 2009. Two associated upward lightning flashes that produced opposite polarity electric field changes, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L05801, doi:10.1029/2008GL036598.

32. Weitao Lu*, Yijun Zhang, Xiuji Zhou, Xiushu Qie, Dong Zheng, Qing Meng, Ming Ma, Shaodong Chen, Fei Wang, Xiangzhen Kong, 2009. Simultaneous optical and electrical observations on the initial processes of altitude-triggered negative lightning. Atmospheric Research, 91(2-4):353-359, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.01.011.

33. Lu, W.*, D. Wang, N. Takagi, V. Rakov, M. Uman, M. Miki. Characteristics of the Optical Pulses Associated With a Downward Branched Stepped Leader, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 113, D21206, doi:10.1029/2008JD010231, 2008.11.(SCI)

34. Lu Weitao*, Zhang Yijun, Zhou Xiuji, Meng Qing, Zheng Dong, Ma Ming, Wang Fei, Chen Shaodong, Qie Xiushu, 2008. Analysis of Channel Luminosity Characteristics in Rocket-Triggered Lightning. ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA, 22(3), 362-374.

35. Lu Weitao*, Zhang Yijun, Li Jun, Zheng Dong, Dong Wansheng, Chen Shaodong, Wang Fei, 2008. Optical Observations on Propagation Characteristics of Leaders in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes. ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA, 22(1), 66-77.

 36. 关雨侬, 吕伟涛*, 齐奇, 武斌, 马颖, 陈绿文, 刘恒毅, 张义军. 一次上行闪电中先导二维和三维发展特征的差异. 应用气象学报, 2023, 34(5): 598-607.

 37. 许伟群, 吕伟涛*, 齐奇, 樊艳峰, 陈绿文, 武斌, 王雪娟, 马颖, 夏登城. 一次触发闪电金属汽化通道的亮度与电流特征. 应用气象学报, 2023, 34(6): 739-748.

 38. 谢正帅,吕伟涛*,马颖,齐奇,武斌,姜睿娇,孙秀斌,陈绿文,杜赛,颜旭,肖桐. 2022. 平面标定法在闪电光学观测中的应用. 热带气象学报,38 (03)444-452.

 39. 张悦,吕伟涛*,陈绿文,武斌,齐奇,马颖,张阳,郑栋,颜旭,孟青. 2022. 基于人工引雷的粤港澳闪电定位系统性能评估. 应用气象学报,33 (03)329-340.

 40. 张悦, 吕伟涛*, 陈绿文, 武斌, 马颖, 齐奇, 2021. 粤港澳大湾区两套闪电定位系统地闪探测性能的对比分析. 热带气象学报,37 (03)409-418.

 41. 黄晓磊, 吕伟涛*, 武斌, 孙秀斌, 马颖, 陈绿文, 齐奇, 刘恒毅, 2021. 广州高建筑物雷电回击光脉冲特征分析. 热带气象学报,37 (03)439-449.

42. 吕伟涛*、陈绿文、马颖、齐奇、武斌、姜睿娇. 广州高建筑物雷电观测与研究10年进展.应用气象学报, 2020, 31(02): 129-145.

 43. 武斌、吕伟涛*、齐奇、马颖、陈绿文、姜睿娇. 双向先导正端突然延展现象的高速摄像观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(02): 146-155.

 44. 齐奇、吕伟涛*、武斌、马颖、陈绿文、姜睿娇. 广州两座高建筑物上闪击距离的二维光学观测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(02): 156-164.

 45. 陈绿文、吕伟涛*、张义军、马颖、齐奇、武斌. 粤港澳闪电定位系统对高建筑物雷电的探测. 应用气象学报, 2020, 31(02): 165-174.

 46. 武斌、吕伟涛*、齐奇、马颖、陈绿文、宿志国、吴姗姗,一次正地闪触发两个并发上行闪电的光电观测,应用气象学报,2019, 30(3): 257-266.

 47. 吴姗姗、吕伟涛*、齐奇、武斌、陈绿文、宿志国、姜睿娇、张长秀,基于光学资料的广州塔附近区域下行地闪特征,应用气象学报,2019, 30(2): 203-210.

 48. 宿志国、吕伟涛*、陈绿文、马颖、武斌、齐奇、吴姗姗,建筑物高度对地闪回击电磁场影响的模拟,应用气象学报,2018, 29(4): 487-495.

 49. 李峰、吕伟涛*、李清勇、张舸、马 颖、杨 俊,基于线支持区域的闪电通道识别算法,应用气象学报,2016, 27(6): 725-733.

 50. 陈绿文、吕伟涛*、张义军、张阳,不同高度建筑物上的下行地闪回击特征,应用气象学报,2015, 26(3): 311-318.

 51. 王智敏、吕伟涛*、陈绿文、齐奇、杨欣怡、张阳、马颖、陈绍东,2011-2012年广州高建筑物雷电磁场特征统计,应用气象学报,2015, 261):87-94.

 52. 杨欣怡、吕伟涛*、杨俊、张舸、马颖、姚雯、李清勇,3种阈值方法在闪电通道图像识别中的应用,应用气象学报,2014, 254):427-435.

53. 吕伟涛*、张义军、孟青、姚雯、马颖、马明、郑栋、王飞. 2009. 雷电临近预警方法和系统研发. 气象,35(5):10-17.

54. 吕伟涛、陶善昌*、谭涌波. 2005.双亮度差方法测量白天气象能见度时的误差分析. 应用气象学报, 16(5), 619-628.

55. 吕伟涛、陶善昌*、刘亦风、谭涌波、王本革. 2004. 基于数字摄像技术测量气象能见度――双亮度差方法和试验研究. 大气科学, 28(4), 559-570.

56. 吕伟涛、陶善昌*、谭涌波、刘亦风. 2003. 数字摄像能见度观测系统中实用黑体技术的应用. 应用气象学报, 14(6), 691-699.

57. 吕伟涛、陶善昌*. 2001. CCD 摄像系统光学特性的一种标定方法. 光学技术, 27(2), 109-112, 114.


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