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李建(Jian Li)








2002-09 2006-12,中国科学院大气物理研究所,大气科学,博士

1998-09 2002-06,南京气象学院,气象学,学士


2022-01 至 今,中国气象科学研究院,灾害天气国家重点实验室,研究员

2019-09 2022-01,中国气象科学研究院,气候与气候变化研究所,研究员

2014-06 2019-09,中国气象科学研究院,气候系统研究所,研究员

2008-08 2014-06,中国气象科学研究院,气候系统研究所,副研究员










2017年,中国气象局科技领军人才, 中国气象局




Zhang, M., Li, J.*, Li, N., Sun, W., Li, P., & Zhao, Y. (2024). Spatial inhomogeneity of synoptic‐induced precipitation in a region of steep topographic relief: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(6), e2023JD039129.

Sun, W., Li, J.*, Yu, R., Li, N., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Exploring changes of precipitation extremes under climate change through global variable-resolution modeling. Science Bulletin, 69(2), 237-247.

Li, J.*, Yu, R., Yue, X., Zhang, M., & Li, N. (2023). Quantifying the spatial unevenness of precipitation in central and eastern China. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(11), 2141-2149.

Yu, L., Zhuge, X., Yuan, W., Gao, N., Li, J.*, Fu, Y.*, ... & Kan, W. (2023). Cloud characteristics over the Yunnan–Guizhou plateau as observed by MODIS and Himawari‐8. International Journal of Climatology, 43(16), 8072-8085.

Zhao, Y., Li, J.*, Ren, L., Li, N., & Li, P. (2023). Fine‐Scale Characteristics and Dominant Synoptic Factors of Spring Precipitation Over Complex Terrain of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(11), e2022JD038352.

Zhao, Y., Li, J.*, & Li, P. (2023). Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions: Insights from intensity–frequency structure. International Journal of Climatology, 43(7), 3284-3297.

Chen, T., Li, J.*, Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Li, P., & Che, H. (2023). Evaluation of Hourly Precipitation Characteristics from a Global Reanalysis and Variable-Resolution Global Model over the Tibetan Plateau by Using a Satellite-Gauge Merged Rainfall Product. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1013.

李建*, 包庆, 雷荔傈, . 2023: 国家自然科学基金大气科学学科二级申请代码下设研究方向与关键词解读:D0511 大气数值模式发展[J]. 大气科学, 47(1): 194−202.

肖雨佳, 李建*, 李妮娜. 2022: CMIP6 HighResMIP高分辨率气候模式对青藏高原降水模拟的评估. 暴雨灾害, 41(2):215-22

Zhang, Y.*, Li, X., Liu, Z., Rong, X., Li, J.*, Zhou, Y., & Chen, S. (2022). Resolution sensitivity of the GRIST nonhydrostatic model from 120 to 5 km (3.75 km) during the DYAMOND winter. Earth and Space Science, 9(9), e2022EA002401.

Xu, A., Li, J.*, Du, Q., & Dong, B. (2022). Long‐Term (2007 to 2018) Energy and CO2 Fluxes over an Agriculture Ecosystem in the Southeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Advances in Meteorology, 2022(1), 4329199.

Zhao, Y., Li, J.*, & Li, P. (2022). Difference in the atmospheric water cycle over the Hengduan Mountains between wet and dry summers. International Journal of Climatology, 42(10), 5293-5305.

Liang-Liang, L., Jian, L.*, & Ru-Cong, Y. (2022). Evaluation of CMIP6 HighResMIP models in simulating precipitation over Central Asia. Advances in Climate Change Research, 13(1), 1-13.

李建*, 陈昊明. 2021: IPCC 第六次评估报告中的《图集》气候变化研究进展, 17(6), 726-729.

Zhang, Y.*, Yu, R.*, Li, J.*, Li, X., Rong, X., Peng, X., & Zhou, Y. (2021). AMIP simulations of a global model for unified weather‐climate forecast: Understanding precipitation characteristics and sensitivity over East Asia. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(11), e2021MS002592.

Zhang, M., Li, J.*, & Li, N. (2021). Fine-scale characteristics of summer precipitation over Cang Mountain. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60(9), 1285-1300.

张铭明,李建*,甘玉婷,李妮娜. 2021: 基于GWR模型的中国中东部降水与海拔关系特征分析.暴雨灾害, 40(1):1-11.

Rong, X., Li, J.*, Chen, H., Su, J., Hua, L., Zhang, Z., & Xin, Y. (2021). The CMIP6 Historical Simulation Datasets Produced by the Climate System Model CAMS-CSM. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 285-295.

Li, L., Li, J.*, & Yu, R. (2020). Characteristics of summer regional rainfall events over Ili River Valley in Northwest China. Atmospheric research, 243, 104996.

Li, N., Li, J.*, Rong, X., Chen, H., Xin, Y., & Su, J. (2020). Obtaining more information about precipitation biases over East Asia from hourly-scale evaluation of model simulation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(3), 515-528.

Xu, A., & Li, J.* (2020). An overview of the integrated meteorological observations in complex terrain region at Dali National Climate Observatory, China. Atmosphere, 11(3), 279.

Xue, H., Li, J.*, Qian, T., & Gu, H. (2020). A 100-m-scale modeling study of a gale event on the lee side of a long narrow mountain. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(1), 23-45.

容新尧,李建*,陈昊明,辛羽飞,苏京志,华莉娟,张正秋,2019: CAMS-CSM 模式及其参与 CMIP6 的方案.气候变化研究进展,15(5), 540-544.

Gan, Y., Li, N., & Li, J.* (2019). Differences in the rainfall characteristics between Mount Tai and its surrounding areas. Journal of Meteorological Research, 33(5), 976-988.

Li, J., Li, N., & Yu, R.* (2019). Regional differences in hourly precipitation characteristics along the western coast of South China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(12), 2717-2732.

Li, L., Li, J.*, Chen, H., & Yu, R. (2019). Diurnal variations of summer precipitation over the Qilian Mountains in Northwest China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 33(1), 18-30.

Rong, X., Li, J.*, Chen, H., Xin, Y., Su, J., Hua, L., ... & Li, J. (2018). The CAMS climate system model and a basic evaluation of its climatology and climate variability simulation. Journal of Meteorological Research, 32(6), 839-861.

Chen, H., Li, J.*, & Yu, R. (2018). Warm season nocturnal rainfall over the eastern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with rainfall events in adjacent regions. International Journal of Climatology, 38(13), 4786-4801.

Sun, W., Li, J.*, Yu, R., & Yuan, W. (2018). Circulation structures leading to propagating and non-propagating heavy summer rainfall in central North China. Climate dynamics, 51, 3447-3465.

Li, J., Chen, H.*, Rong, X., Su, J., Xin, Y., Furtado, K., ... & Li, N. (2018). How well can a climate model simulate an extreme precipitation event: A case study using the Transpose-AMIP experiment. Journal of Climate, 31(16), 6543-6556.

Li, J.*(2018). Hourly station‐based precipitation characteristics over the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 38(3), 1560-1570.

李妮娜,李建*,2017: 中国西南复杂地形区降水观测年际变化代表性问题初步分析. 高原气象,36(1), 119-128.

Li, J.*, Chen, T., & Li, N. (2017). Diurnal variation of summer precipitation across the central Tian Shan Mountains. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56(6), 1537-1550.

Zhao, S., Li, J.*, Yu, R., & Chen, H. (2015). Recent reversal of the upper-tropospheric temperature trend and its role in intensifying the East Asian summer monsoon. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 11847.

Sun, W., Li, J.*, Yu, R., & Yuan, W. (2015). Two major circulation structures leading to heavy summer rainfall over central North China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(10), 4466-4482.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, Yuan, W., Chen, H., Sun, W., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Precipitation over E ast A sia simulated by NCAR CAM5 at different horizontal resolutions. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7(2), 774-790.

Yu, R., Li, J.*, Zhang, Y., & Chen, H. (2015). Improvement of rainfall simulation on the steep edge of the Tibetan Plateau by using a finite-difference transport scheme in CAM5. Climate Dynamics, 45, 2937-2948.

Li, J.,* & Yu, R. (2014). Characteristics of cold season rainfall over the Yungui Plateau. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(7), 1750-1759.

Li, J., & Yu, R.* (2014). A method to linearly evaluate rainfall frequency–intensity distribution. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(4), 928-934.

Zhang, Y., & Li, J.*(2013). Shortwave cloud radiative forcing on major stratus cloud regions in AMIP-type simulations of CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30, 884-907.

李建,宇如聪,孙溦,2013:从小时尺度考察中国中东部极端降水的持续性和季节特征. 气象学报, 71(4), 652-659.

李建,宇如聪,孙溦,2013:中国大陆地区小时极端降水阈值的计算与分析. 暴雨灾害, 32(1), 11-16.

Li, J.*, Yu, R., & Sun, W. (2013). Duration and seasonality of hourly extreme rainfall in the central eastern China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27(6), 799-807.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, Yuan, W., & Chen, H. (2011). Early spring dry spell in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 89(1), 1-13.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, Yuan, W., & Chen, H. (2011). Changes in duration-related characteristics of late-summer precipitation over eastern China in the past 40 years. Journal of Climate, 24(21), 5683-5690.

李建,宇如聪,陈昊明,原韦华,2010: 对三套再分析资料中国大陆地区夏季降水量的评估分析. 气象, 36(12), 1-9.

Yu, R., Li, J.,* & Chen, H. (2009). Diurnal variation of surface wind over central eastern China. Climate dynamics, 33, 1089-1097.

Li, J.*, Yu, R., & Zhou, T. (2008). Seasonal variation of the diurnal cycle of rainfall in southern contiguous China. Journal of Climate, 21(22), 6036-6043.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, & Zhou, T. (2008). Teleconnection between NAO and climate downstream of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate, 21(18), 4680-4690.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, & Wang, J. (2008). Diurnal variations of summer precipitation in Beijing. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(12), 1933-1936.

李建, 宇如聪, 王建捷, 2008: 北京市夏季降水的日变化特征. 科学通报, 53(7), 829-832.

李建, 周天军, 宇如聪, 2007: 利用大气环流模式模拟北大西洋海温异常强迫响应. 大气科学, 31(4), 561-570.

Li, J., Yu, R.*, Zhou, T., & Wang, B. (2005). Why is there an early spring cooling shift downstream of the Tibetan Plateau?. Journal of Climate, 18(22), 4660-4668.


宇如聪, 李建, 陈昊明, 原韦华. 中国降水日变化. 科学出版社,2021


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