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龚山陵(Shanling Gong)







1978/09 – 1982/07,中南大学,冶金系,学士

1982/10 – 1985/07,中国科学院过程研究所,硕士

1987/09 – 1989/09,多伦多大学,化工及应用化学系,硕士

1989/09 – 1993/12,多伦多大学,化工及应用化学系,博士


1985/07 –1987/07, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员

1994/03 - 1996/08, 加拿大环境部科研司, 博士后

1996/08 –1998/08, 加拿大环境部科研司, 研究员

1998/08 –2015/07, 加拿大环境部科研司, 高级研究员

2015/07 - 至今,中国气象局中国气象科学院,研究员


1. 基金委重点项目“异常气候现象对我国雾霾影响程度和机制的研究”,经费306万,项目负责人,首席科学家,在研

2. “十二五”科技支撑“我国雾-霾监测与不同分辨率数值预报业务系统”,2014.1-2016.12,经费1547万,骨干,结题

3. 973项目,气溶胶--辐射反馈过程及其与亚洲季风相互作用的研究,2010.01-2015.12, 4课题负责人,结题


2000/08 – 至今,加拿大多伦多大学,化工系,特聘教授,博士生导师

2022/12 – 至今,澳门科技大学,特聘教授,博士生导师









1. S Gong, Y Liu, J He, L Zhang, S Lu, X Zhang, Multi-scale analysis of the impacts of meteorology and emissions on PM2. 5 and O3 trends at various regions in China from 2013 to 2020 1: Synoptic circulation patterns and pollution, Science of The Total Environment 815, 152770, 2022, Citations: 21 (Impact factor 9.8)

2. S Gong, L Zhang, C Liu, S Lu, W Pan, Y Zhang, Multi-scale analysis of the impacts of meteorology and emissions on PM2. 5 and O3 trends at various regions in China from 2013 to 2020 2. Key weather elements and emissions, Science of The Total Environment 824, 153847, 2022, Citations: 37 (Impact factor 9.8)

3. H Ke, S Gong*, J He, L Zhang, B Cui, Y Wang, J Mo, Y Zhou, H Zhang, Development and application of an automated air quality forecasting system based on machine learning, Science of The Total Environment 806, 151204, 2022, Citations: 19 (Impact factor 9.8)

4. J He, S Gong*, Y Yu, L Yu, L Wu, H Mao, C Song, S Zhao, H Liu, X Li, R Li, Air pollution characteristics and their relation to meteorological conditions during 2014–2015 in major Chinese cities, Environmental pollution, 223, 484-496, 2017 Citations: 551 (Impact factor 8.9)

5. SL Gong, A parameterization of sea‐salt aerosol source function for sub‐and super‐micron particles, Global biogeochemical cycles 17 (4), 2003, Citations: 628 (Impact factor 5.16)

6. XY Zhang, SL Gong*, ZX Shen, FM Mei, XX Xi, LC Liu, ZJ Zhou, D Wang, et al. Characterization of soil dust aerosol in China and its transport and distribution during 2001 ACE‐Asia: 1. Network observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D9), 2003, Citations: 475 (Impact factor 5.02)

7. SL Gong, XY Zhang, TL Zhao, IG McKendry, DA Jaffe, NM Lu, Characterization of soil dust aerosol in China and its transport and distribution during 2001 ACE‐Asia: 2. Model simulation and validation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D9), 2003, Citations: 410 (Impact factor 5.02)

8. SL Gong, LA Barrie, JP Blanchet, K Von Salzen, U Lohmann, G Lesins, et al, Canadian Aerosol Module: A size‐segregated simulation of atmospheric aerosol processes for climate and air quality models 1. Module development, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D1), AAC 3-1-AAC 3-16, 2003, Citations: 350 (Impact factor 5.02)

9. L Zhang, S Gong, J Padro, L Barrie, A size-segregated particle dry deposition scheme for an atmospheric aerosol module, Atmospheric environment 35 (3), 549-560, 2001, Citations: 1118 (Impact factor 5.75)

10. SL Gong, LA Barrie, JP Blanchet, Modeling sea‐salt aerosols in the atmosphere: 1. Model development. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D3), 3805-3818, 1997, Citations: 535 (Impact factor 5.02)


Gong, S. L. and Barrie, L. A., 2008. The Distribution Of Atmospheric Aerosols: Transport, Transformation And Removal. In: Z. Levin and W.R. Cotton (Editors), Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation: A Scientific Review. Springer, pp. 91-141.

Bottenheim, J.W., A. Dastoor, S.L. Gong, K. Higuchi, and Y.-F. Li. 2004. Long range Transport of Air Pollution to the Airctic.  In: Intercontinental Transport of Air Pollution, A. Stohl, Editor.  The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 4Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg


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