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游庆龙(Qinglong You)



qlyou@fudan.edu.cn / yqingl@126.com







2018 - 至 今,复旦大学,大气科学研究院,教授

2013 - 2018,南京信息工程大学,大气科学学院,教授

2012 - 2013,德国马普气象研究所,Research Fellow(博士后)

2010 - 2012,德国汉堡大学,气象系,洪堡学者

2010 - 2010,瑞士联邦理工学院,大气科学系,访问学者

2007 - 2009,德国耶拿大学,地球科学系,访问学者






2017-2022年, 国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”重点专项:全球增暖1.5℃下东亚气候系统的响应及其情景预估(2017YFA0603800),研究骨干

2016-2021年, 国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”重点专项:云水资源评估研究与利用示范(2016YFA0601700),课题负责人




2018 – 至今,现代气候学/大气科学理论研究进展,本科生/研究生,复旦大学

2014 - 2017,气象科技英语翻译与写作,研究生,南京信息工程大学

2015 - 2016,现代气候学/大气科学研究进展,本科生/研究生,南京信息工程大学


2017-至今,IPCC第六次评估报告贡献作者(contributing author)

2018-至今,第四次国家气候变化评估报告贡献作者(contributing author)



2020-至今,《Advances in Climate Change Research》青年编委

2020-至今,《Atmospheric Research》副主编











1. Qianrong Ma, Qinglong You*, Yujun Ma, Yu Cao, Jie Zhang, Miaomiao Niu, Yuqing Zhang. Changes in cloud amount over the Tibetan Plateau and impacts of large-scale circulation. Atmospheric Research, 2021, 249:105332. SCI

2. Qinglong You*, Tao Wu, Liuchen Shen, Nick Pepin, Ling Zhang, Zhihong Jiang, Zhiwei Wu, Shichang Kang, Amir AghaKouchak. Review of snow cover variation over the Tibetan Plateau and its influence on the broad climate system. Earth-Science Reviews, 2020, 201:103043. SCI

3. Qinglong You*, Deliang Chen, Fangying Wu, Nick Pepin, Ziyi Cai, Bodo Ahrens, Zhihong Jiang, Zhiwei Wu, Shichang Kang, Amir AghaKouchak. Elevation dependent warming over the Tibetan Plateau: patterns, mechanisms and perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews, 2020, 210:103349. SCI

4. Qinglong You*, Fangying Wu, Hongguo Wang, Zhihong Jiang, Nick Pepin, Shichang Kang. Projected changes in snow water equivalent over the Tibetan Plateau under global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C. Journal of Climate, 2020, 33: 5141-5154. SCI

5. Qinglong You*, Fangying Wu, Liucheng Shen, Nick Pepin, Zhihong Jiang, Shichang Kang. Tibetan Plateau amplification of climate extremes under global warming of 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C. Global and Planetary Change, 2020, 192:103261. SCI

6. Safi Ullah, Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang, Asher Samuel Bhatti, Waheed Ullah, Daniel Fiifi Tawia Hagan, Amjad Ali, Gohar Ali, Mushtaq Ahmad Jan, Shah Nawaz Khan, Asif Ali. Evaluation of CMIP5 models and projected changes in temperatures over South Asia under global warming of 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 246:105122. SCI

7. Jin Zheng, Qinglong You*, Mu Mu, Guodong Sun, Nick Pepin. Fingerprints of anthropogenic influences on vegetation change over the Tibetan Plateau from an eco-hydrological diagnosis. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47:e2020GL087842. SCI

8. Yupin Yan, Qinglong You*, Fangying Wu, Pepin Nick, Shichang Kang. Surface mean temperature from the observational stations and multiple reanalyses over the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics, 2020, 55:2405-2419. SCI

9. Juju Liu, Qinglong You*. A diagnosis of the interannual variation of the summer hydrometeor based on ERA-interim over Eastern China. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 231:104654. SCI

10. Fangying Wu, Qinglong You*, Ziyin Zhang, Ling Zhang. Changes and uncertainties of surface mean temperature over China under global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C. International Journal of Climatology, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/joc.6694. SCI

11. Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang, Xingyang Xie, Fangying Wu. Robust elevation dependency warming over the Tibetan Plateau under global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C. Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53:2047-2060. SCI

12. Qinglong You*, Yuntao Bao, Zhihong Jiang, Nick Pepin, G.W.K. Moore. Surface pressure and elevation correction from observation and multiple reanalyses over the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53:5893-5908. SCI

13. Qinglong You*, Juju Liu, Nick Pepin. Changes of summer cloud water content in China from ERA-Interim reanalysis. Global and Planetary Change, 2019, 175:201-210. SCI

14. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Guangxiong Mao, Changchun Chen, Zhenwei Ye. Short-term concurrent drought and heatwave frequency with 1.5 and 2.0 °C global warming in humid subtropical basins: a case study in the Gan River Basin, China. Climate Dynamics, 2019, 52:4621–4641. SCI

15. Yuntao Bao, Qinglong You*. How do westerly jets regulate the snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau? Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53:353-370. SCI

16. Safi Ullah, Qinglong You*, Waheed Ullah, Daniel Fiii Tawia Hagan, Amjad Ali, Gohar Ali, Yuqing Zhang, Mushtaq Ahmad Jan, Asher Samuel Bhatti, Wenxin Xie. Daytime and nighttime heat wave characteristics based on multiple indices over the China–Pakistan economic corridor,Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53: 6329-6349. SCI

17. Safi Ullah, Qinglong You*, Amjad Ali, Waheed Ullah, Mushtaq Ahmad Jan, Yuqing Zhang, Wenxin Xie, Xinru Xie. Observed changes in maximum and minimum temperatures over China-Pakistan economic corridor during 1980–2016,Atmospheric Research, 2019, 216:37-51. SCI

18. Jing Ge, Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang. Effect of Tibetan Plateau heating on summer extreme precipitation in eastern China. Atmospheric Research, 2019, 218:364-371.SCI

19. Safi Ullah, Qinglong You*, Waheed Ullah, Amjad Ali, Wenxin Xie, Xinru Xie. Observed changes in temperature extremes in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor during 1980-2016, International Journal of Climatology, 2019, 39:1457–1475. SCI

20. Xin Li, Qinglong You*, Guoyu Ren, Suyan Wang, Yuqing Zhang, Jianling Yang, Guangfen Zheng. Concurrent droughts and hot extremes in Northwest China from 1961 to 2017. International Journal of Climatology, 2019, 39:2186–2196. SCI

21. Zhen Li, Qinglong You*, Hongwu Liu, Zhonghai Yin, Lijie Duan. Analysis of climate change and circulation features of frost days in Hunan Province, China in recent 67 Years. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2019, 7:124-137. SCIE

22. Qinglong You*, Zhihong Jiang, Dai Wang, Nick Pepin, Shichang Kang. Simulation of temperature extremes in the Tibetan Plateau from CMIP5 models and comparison with gridded observations. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 51:355–369. SCI

23. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Changchun Chen,Jing Ge, Muhammad Adnan. Evaluation of Downscaled CMIP5 Coupled with VIC Model for Flash Drought Simulation in a Humid Subtropical Basin, China. Journal of Climate, 2018, 31:1075-1090. SCI

24. Jing Ge, Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang. The influence of the Asian summer monsoon onset on the northward movement of the South Asian high toward the Tibetan Plateau and its thermodynamic mechanism. International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 38:543-553. SCI

25. Jing Ge, Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang. Relationship between the early and late northward movement of the South Asian High toward the Tibetan Plateau and Asian Summer Monsoon onset. Atmospheric Research, 2018, 213:381-388., SCI

26. Safi Ullah, Qinglong You*, Waheed Ullah, Amjad Ali. Observed changes in precipitation in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor during 1980-2016,Atmospheric Research, 2018, 210:1-14. SCI

27. Qinglong You*, Zhihong Jiang, G.W.K. Moore, Yuntao Bao, Lei Kong, Shichang Kang. Revisiting the relationship between observed warming and surface mean pressure in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate, 2017, 30:1721-1737. SCI

28. Qinglong You*, Zhihong Jiang, Lei Kong, Zhiwei Wu, Yuntao Bao, Shichang Kang, Nick Pepin. A comparison of heat wave climatologies and trends in China based on multiple definitions. Climate Dynamics, 2017, 48: 3975-3989. SCI

29. Qinglong You*, Dai Wang, Zhihong Jiang, Shichang Kang. Diurnal temperature range in CMIP5 models and observations on the Tibetan Plateau. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2017, 143:1978-1989. SCI

30. Qinglong You*, Guoyu Ren, Yuqing Zhang, Yuyu Ren, Xiubao Sun, Yunjian Zhan, Arun Bhaktad Sheresha, Raghavane Krishnan. An overview of studies of observed climate change in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2017, 8:141-147. SCIE

31. Danlu Cai, Qinglong You, Klaus Fraedrich, Yanning Guan*. Spatiotemporal Temperature Variability over the Tibetan Plateau: Altitudinal Dependence Associated with the Global Warming Hiatus. Journal of Climate, 2017, 30:969-984. SCI

32. Xiaoyang Chen, Qinglong You*. Effect of Indian ocean SST on Tibetan Plateau precipitation in the early rainy season. Journal of Climate, 2017, 30:8973-8985. SCI

33. Xiaoyang Chen, Qinglong You*, Frank Sielmann, Neng Ruan. Climate change scenarios for Tibetan Plateau summer precipitation based on canonical correlation analysis. International Journal of Climatology, 2017, 37:1310-1321. SCI

34. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Changchun Chen, Xin Li. Flash droughts in a typical humid, subtropical basin: A case study in the Gan River Basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 551:162-176. SCI

35. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Lei Ye, Changchun Chen. Spatio-temporal variability and preliminary mechanism analysis of rainy seasonal precipitation in Poyang Lake Basin, China. Climate Research, 2017, 72: 129-140. SCI

36. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang. Rapid warming in the Tibetan Plateau from observations and CMIP5 models in recent decades. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36: 2660-2670. SCI

37. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Yang Jiao, Mika Sillanpaeae, Shichang Kang. Observed trend of diurnal temperature range in the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36: 2633-2643. SCI

38. Qinglong You*, Zhihong Jiang, Yansong Bao, Nick Pepin, Klaus Fraedrich. Trends in upper tropospheric water vapor over the Tibetan Plateau from remote sensing. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36:4862-4872. SCI

39. Houbo Lin, Qinglong You*, Yuqing Zhang, Yang Jiao, Klaus Fraedrich. Impact of large-scale circulation on the water vapor balance of the Tibetan Plateau in summer. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36:4213-4221. SCI

40. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Changchun Chen, Jing Ge. Impacts of climate change on streamflows under RCP scenarios: A case study in Xin River Basin, China.Atmospheric Research,2016, 178-179:521-534. SCI

41. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Wei Zhang, Nick Pepin, Shichang Kang. Comparison of multiple datasets with gridded precipitation observations over the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics, 2015, 45:791-806. SCI

42. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Houbo Lin, Nick Pepin, Mika Sillanpaeae, Shichang Kang. Observed climatology and trend in relative humidity in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2015, 120: 3610-3621. SCI

43. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang, Nick Pepin. Poleward expansion of the tropical belt derived from upper tropospheric water vapour. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35: 2237-2242. SCI

44. Yuqing Zhang, Qinglong You*, Houbo Lin, Changchun Chen. Analysis of dry/wet conditions in the Gan River Basin, China and their association with large-scale atmospheric circulation. Global and Planetary Change,2015, 133:309-317. SCI

45. Qinglong You*, Klaus Fraedrich, Frank Sielmann, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang, Zhengmin Ji, Xiuhua Zhu. Present and projected degree days in China from observation, reanalysis and simulations. Climate Dynamics, 2014, 43:1449-1462. SCI

46. Qinglong You*, Jinzhong Min, Klaus Fraedrich, Shichang Kang, Xiuhua Zhu. Projected trends in mean, maximum, and minimum surface temperature in China from simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 2014,112:53-63. SCI

47. Qinglong You*, Klaus Fraedrich, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang, Xiuhua Zhu, Nick Pepin, Ling Zhang. Observed surface wind speed in the Tibetan Plateau since 1980 and its physical causes. International Journal of Climatology, 2014, 34:1873-1882. SCI

48. Qinglong You*, Yang Jiao, Houbo Lin, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang, Guoyu Ren, Xianhong Meng. Comparison of NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 total cloud cover with surface observations over the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2014, 34:2529-2537. SCI

49. Qinglong You*, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, Martin Wild, Doris Folini, Klaus Fraedrich, Guoyu Ren, Shichang Kang. Decadal variation of surface solar radiation in the Tibetan Plateau from observations, reanalysis and model simulations. Climate Dynamics, 2013, 40:2073-2086. SCI

50. Qinglong You*, Klaus Fraedrich, Jinzhong Min, Shichang Kang. Can temperature extremes in China be calculated from reanalysis. Global and Planetary Change, 2013,11:268-279. SCI

51. Qinglong You*, Klaus Fraedrich, Guoyu Ren, Nick Pepin, Shichang Kang. Variability of temperature in the Tibetan Plateau based on homogenized surface stations and reanalysis data. International Journal of Climatology,2013, 33:1337-1347. SCI

52. Qinglong You*, Guoyu Ren, Klaus Fraedrich, Shichang Kang, Yuyu Ren, Pengling Wang. Winter temperature extremes in China and their possible causes. International Journal of Climatology,2013, 33:1444-1455. SCI

53. Qinglong You, Klaus Fraedrich, Guoyu Ren, Baisheng Ye, Xianhong Meng, Shichang Kang*. Inconsistencies of precipitation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau between surface adjusted data and reanalysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2012, 109:485-496. SCI

54. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Enric Aguilar, Nick Pepin, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Yuping Yan. Changes in daily climate extremes in China and their connection to the large scale atmospheric circulation during 1961-2003. Climate Dynamics, 2011, 36:2399-2417. SCI

55. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Guoyu Ren, Klaus Fraedrich, Nick Pepin, Yuping Yan, Lijuan Ma. Observed changes in snow depth and number of snow days in eastern and central Tibetan Plateau. Climate Research, 2011,46171-183. SCI

56. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Nick Pepin, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, Yuping Yan, Houshang Behrawan, Jie Huang. Relationship between temperature trend magnitude, elevation and mean temperature in the Tibetan plateau from homogenized surface stations and reanalysis data. Global and Planetary Change, 2010, 71:124-133. SCI

57. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Yuping Yan, Keming Tian, Jie Huang. Climate warming and associated changes with atmospheric circulation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau from a homogenized dataset. Global and Planetary Change. 2010, 72(11-24). SCI

58. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Nick Pepin, Yuping Yan, Jie Huang. Decreasing wind speed and weakening latitudinal surface pressure gradients in the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Research. 2010, 42:57-64. SCI

59. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, Yuping Yan, Jie Huang. From brightening to dimming in sunshine duration in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1961-2005. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2010,101:445-457.SCI

60. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo, Yuping Yan, Jie Huang. Does a weekend effect in diurnal temperature range exist in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau?, Environmental Research Letters, 2009, 045202. SCIE

61. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Enric Aguilar, Yuping Yan. Changes in daily climate extremes in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1961-2005. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2008, 113, D07101. SCI

62. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Nick Pepin, Yuping Yan. Relationship between trends in temperature extremes and elevation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau,1961-2005. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, 35, L04704. SCI

63. Qinglong You, Shichang Kang*, Yanhong Wu, Yuping Yan. Climate change over the Yarlung Zangbo river basin in 1961-2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2007, 17(4):409-420. SCIE


1.游庆龙等著. 青藏高原现代气候变化特征研究. 湖南教育出版社. 2019.

2. Raghavan Krishnan, Arun B. Shrestha, Guoyu Ren, Rupak Rajbhandari, Sajjad Saeed, Jayanarayanan Sanjay, Md. Abu Syed, Ramesh Vellore, Ying Xu, Qinglong You, Yuyu Ren. Unravelling Climate Change in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: Rapid Warming in the Mountains and Increasing Extremes, in The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People, pp. 57-97, Springer International Publishing.



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