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王国印(Guoyin Wang)







王国印,男,19867月生,高级工程师、硕士生导师、理学博士。研究方向为大气物理与大气环境,主要从事干旱气候变化、大气边界层、海--气相互作用观测与研究。2010—2012年于美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)进行学术交流访问,主持参与国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划、公益性行业(气象)科研专项等。担任J. Geophys. Res.、高原气象、干旱气象等期刊杂志审稿人。









201812 ­ 202012月,实验师,复旦大学365体育官方唯一入口

20137 ­ 201811月,讲师,兰州大学

201010 201210月,访问学者,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR


20201 202312月,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,不同气候区典型下垫面能量与碳循环机制的研究,中国,73万元,主持

20151 201812月,公益性行业(气象)科研专项,干旱气象科学研究—我国北方干旱致灾过程及机理,中国,20万元,参与

20151 201712月,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,干旱半干旱区陆-气相互作用的观测研究,中国,25万元,主持

20141 20168月,国家重点基础研究发展计划,全球典型干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响,中国,106万元,参与






1. Gong, H., Wang, Y., Wang, G.*, Gao, Y., Li, G., Kuang, Z., et al. (2023). Quantifying the Spatial Representativeness of Carbon Flux Footprints of a Grassland Ecosystem in the Semi-arid Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038269. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD038269

2. Wang Guoyin, Leng Wennan, Jiang Shaojing, Cao Bangjun*,2021, Long-Term Variation in Wintertime Atmospheric Diffusion Conditions Over the Sichuan Basin, Front. Environ. Sci. 9:763504. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.763504

3. Yao J., Z. Gao, J. Huang*, H. Liu, G. Wang. 2021: Technical note: Uncertainties in eddy covariance CO2 fluxes in a semiarid sagebrush ecosystem caused by gap-filling approaches. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21 (20), 15589–15603. DOI: 10.5194/acp-21-15589-2021.

4. Wang J., Jian B., Wang G., Zhao Y., Li Y., Letu H., Zhang M., Li J*. Climatology of Cloud Phase, Cloud Radiative Effects and Precipitation Properties over the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(3): 363.

5. Li W., Zhang F*., Yu Y., Iwabuchi H., Shen Z., Wang G., Zhang Y. The semi-diurnal cycle of deep convective systems over Eastern China and its surrounding seas in summer based on an automatic tracking algorithm. Climate Dynamics, 2021, 56, 357–379.

6. Yao J., Liu H.*, Huang J.*, Gao Z., Wang G., Li D., Yu H., Chen X. Accelerated dryland expansion regulates future variability in dryland gross primary production. Nature Communications, 2020, 11,1665. 

7. Jian B., Li J.*, Wang G., He Y., Han Y., Zhang M. and Huang J. The Impacts of Atmospheric and Surface Parameters on Long-Term Variations in the Planetary Albedo. Journal of Climate, 2018, 31(21): 8705-8718.

8. Tang, K., Z. Huang*, J. Huang, T. Maki, S. Zhang, X. Ma, J. Shi, J. Bi, T. Zhou, and G. Wang (2017), Characterization of atmospheric bioaerosols along the transport pathway of Asian dust during the Dust-Bioaerosol 2016 Campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 1-41.

9. Huang, J.*, Y. Li, C. Fu, F. Chen, Q. Fu, A. Dai, M. Shinoda, Z. Ma, W. Guo, Z. Li L. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Yu, Y.He, Y. Xie, X. Guan, M. Ji, L. Lin, S. Wang, H. Yan, and G. Wang (2017), Dryland climate change: Recent progress and challenges, Reviews of Geophysics, 55(3).

10. Liang, J., L. Zhang*, X. Cao, J. Wen, J. Wang, and G. Wang (2017), Energy balance in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, China, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres122(1-4).

11. Li, H., Y. Yang*, X. M. Hu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, and B. Zhang (2017), Application of Convective Condensation Level Limiter in Convective Boundary Layer Height Retrieval Based on Lidar Data, Atmosphere8(4), 79.

12. Li, H., Y. Yang*, X. M. Hu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, B. Zhang, and T. Zhang (2017), Evaluation of retrieval methods of daytime convective boundary layer height based on lidar data, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres,122(8), 4578-4593.

13. Huang, J.*, H. Yu, X. Guan, G. Wang, and R. Guo (2016), Accelerated dryland expansion under climate change, Nature Climate Change6(2).

14. Xie, Y., Y. Liu, J. Huang*, and G. Wang(2013), Impact of the Ice-albedo Feedback on Meridional Temperature Gradient of Northern Hemisphere, Advances in Earth Science,28(11), 1276-1282.

15. Wang, G., J. Huang*, W. Guo, J. Zuo, J. Wang, J. Bi, Z. Huang, and J. Shi (2010), Observation analysis of land-atmosphere interactions over the Loess Plateau of northwest China, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres115(D7), -.

16. Jing, X., J. Huang*, G. Wang, K. Higuchi, J. Bi, Y. Sun, H. Yu, and T. Wang (2010), The effects of clouds and aerosols on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over semi-arid Loess Plateau of Northwest China, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics,10(17), 8205-8218.

17. Huang, Z., J. Huang*, J. Bi, G. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Fu, Z. Li, S. C. Tsay, and J. Shi (2010), Dust aerosol vertical structure measurements using three MPL lidars during 2008 China-U.S. joint dust field experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research115(D7).

18. Zuo, J., J. Wang, J. Huang*, W. Li, G. Wang, and H. Ren (2010), Estimation of Ground Heat Flux for a Semi-Arid Grassland and Its Impact on the Surface Energy Budget, Plateau Meteorology29(4), 840-848.

19. Guan, X., J. Huang*, N. Guo, J. Bi, G. Wang, and H. Wang (2009), Variability of soil moisture and its relationship with surface albedo and soil thermal parameters over the Loess Plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences26(4), 692-700.

20. Huang, J.*, Z. Wu, J. Zuo, J. Bi, J. Shi, W. Xin, Z. Chang, Z. Huang, Y. Su, and B. Zhang, G. Wang, G. Feng, J. Yuan, L. Zhang, H. Zuo, S. Wang, C. Fu and J. Chou (2008), An overview of the Semi-arid Climate and Environment Research Observatory over the Loess Plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences25(6), 906-921.

21. Zuo, J., J. Huang*, J. Wang, W. Zhang, J. Bi, G. Wang, W. Li, P. Fu, and H. Wang (2009), Surface turbulent flux measurements over the Loess Plateau for a semi-arid climate change study, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences26(4), 679-691.

22. 药静宇,王国印,李晨蕊,于海鹏(2017),不同区域典型植被类型的净生态系统碳交换特征兰州大学学报(自科版),53(5),622-627.

23. 药静宇,王国印,黄建平*,闭建荣(2016),黄土高原半干旱区净碳交换量的特征分析,干旱气象,34(1),88-95.

24. 赵钱飞,郭维栋*,凌肖露,刘野,王国印,解静(2013),半干旱区不同类型土地利用的蒸散量及水分收支差异分析—以通榆为例,气候与环境研究,18(4),415-426.

25. 左金清,王介民,黄建平*,李维京,王国印,任宏利(2010),半干旱草地地表土壤热通量的计算及其对能量平衡的影响,高原气象,29(4),840-848.

26. 解静,黄建平*,王国印,闭建容,赵钱飞,张明明(2010),中国北方半干旱区二氧化碳通量的对比分析,地球科学进展,25 Suppl., doi:1001-81662010)增-0050-14.



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