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张若楠(Ruonan Zhang)








1) 统计动力相结合,从北极海冰非线性影响和海--气多因子协同作用的角度,系统回答北极-中纬度联系不确定性的成因。这种非线性联系依赖于海冰季节、强度、气候背景场(Zhang 2021GRL),北极海冰、北半球海温和平流层大气内部变率对2020/21中纬度极端低温有协同影响(Zhang 2021abCD2022BAMS)。这些研究用以揭示北极-中纬度确定性联系,对解决当前研究难题有重要意义。

2) 提出了冰雪协同影响中纬度极端天气气候的机制。揭示了北极海冰与欧亚积雪年代际消融的协同作用对欧洲热浪频发的影响,提出冰雪协同作用调制瞬变涡旋、欧亚遥相关型以及欧洲阻塞高压,从而引发持续的欧洲热浪(Zhang 2020npj)和乌拉尔山阻塞高压(Zhang 2018IJOC)。

3)提出了欧亚积雪作为“陆地桥”联系秋季极冰-春季气温的新机制。指出了北大西洋年代际海洋升温通过影响欧亚冬季积雪东西反相(Sun and Zhang 2019CD),北极海冰通过影响“冬春持续积雪陆地桥”,进而改变北半球春季气温变率(Zhang 2019JGR);基于北极海冰-欧亚积雪因子的气候预测模型应用在国家气候中心监测预测业务中。

4)揭示了欧亚地区春末-夏初积雪融量东西偶极子型异常激发出异常Rossby波列与气候波同相增强,进而影响东亚夏季降水主模态(Zhang 2017, JC


博士学位(2014), 气象学, 中国科学院大气物理研究所

硕士学位(2011), 气象学, 中国气象科学研究院

学士学位 (2008), 大气科学, 南京信息工程大学


2019年–2020年,University of ExeterDepartment of Mathematics


2014年–2017, 中国气象科学研究院





20181-202212月,北极海--气系统对冬季欧亚大陆极端气候事件的影响, 41790472,国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,中国,364万元,参与

20167-20216月,自然和人类活动对地球系统陆地水循环的影响机理, 2016YFA0601501,“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目, 中国,160万元,主持专题

20161-201812月,中高纬外强迫因子对夏季欧亚中高纬度阻塞环流的协同影响机理, 41505053, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 中国,25万元,主持

20131-201712月,气候变暖背景下我国南方旱涝灾害的变化规律和机理及其影响与对策, 2013CB430200, 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划), 中国,699万元,参与






2019年   施雅风冰冻圈与环境青年科学家奖

2020年   上海市浦江人才


27. Zhang, R.N.*, J. A. Screen, and R.H. Zhang, 2022: Arctic and Pacific Ocean Conditions Were Favourable for Cold Extremes over Eurasia and North America during Winter 2020/21. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0264.1

26. Cai, Z., Q. You*, H. Chen, R.N. Zhang*, D. Chen, et al., 2022: Amplified wintertime Barents Sea warming linked to intensified Barents oscillation. Environmental Research Letters. 17, 044068, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac5bb3

25. Zhang, R.N.*, R.H. Zhang, and C. Sun, 2022: Modulation of the interdecadal variation of atmospheric background flow on the recent recovery of the EAWM during the 2000s and its link with North Atlantic–Arctic warming. Climate Dynamics. 59: 561–578. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06152-0

24. Zhang, R.N.*, R.H. Zhang, G. Dai, 2022: Intraseasonal contributions of Arctic sea-ice loss and Pacific decadal oscillation to a century cold event during early 2020/21 winter. Climate Dynamics. 58: 741–758. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05931-5

23. 崔童,张若楠*,郝立生,孙丞虎,2022:华北雨季降水年代际变化与水汽输送的联系. 大气科学(待刊)

22. Zhang, R.N.*, Q. Chu, Z. Zuo, Y. Qi. , 2022: Summertime Moisture Sources and Transportation Pathways for China and Associated Atmospheric Circulation Patterns. Frontier in Earth Science. 9:756943. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.756943

21. He X, Zhang R.N.*, S. Ding, Z. Zuo, 2021: Interdecadal Linkage Between the Winter Northern Hemisphere Climate and Arctic Sea Ice of Diverse Location and Seasonality. Frontier in Earth Science. 9:758619. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.758619

20. Zhang, R.N.*, J. A. Screen, 2021: Diverse Eurasian winter temperature responses to Barents-Kara sea ice anomalies of different magnitudes and seasonality. Geophysical Research Letters. 48, e2021GL092726.

19. You, Q., Cai, Z., Pepin, N., Chen, D., Zhang, R.N., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Warming amplification over the arctic pole and third pole: trends, mechanisms and consequences. Earth-Science Reviews. 217:103625DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103625

18. 蔡子怡,游庆龙,陈德亮,张若楠,陈金雷,康世昌, 2021: 北极气候变化及其机制和影响研究进展. 冰川冻土, 433):902-916.

17. Zhang, R.N., C. Sun, J. Zhu, R.H. Zhang, and W. Li, 2020: Increased European heat waves in recent decades in response to shrinking Arctic sea ice and Eurasian snow cover. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 3, 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-020-0110-8.

16. Zhang, R.N., C. Sun, R.H. Zhang, W. Li, and J. Zuo, 2019: Role of Eurasian snow cover in linking winterspring Eurasian coldness to the autumn Arctic sea ice retreat. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 9205–9221. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030339.

15. Sun, C., R.N. Zhang*, W. Li, J. Zhu, and S. Yang, 2019:  Possible impact of North Atlantic warming on the decadal change in the dominant modes of winter Eurasian snow water equivalent during 1979–2015. Climate Dynamics, 53: 5203–5213https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04853-7.

14. Zhang, R.N.,C. Sun*, R.H. Zhang, L. Jia, and W. Li, 2018: The impact of Arctic sea ice on interannual variations of summer Ural blocking. International Journal of Climatology, 4632–4650, doi: 10.1002/joc.5731.

13. Zhang, R.N., C. Sun*, and W. Li, 2018: Relationship between summer Eurasian teleconnection and the interannual variations of Arctic sea ice and associated influence on summer precipitation over China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 61, 91105, doi: 10.6038/cjg2018K0755. 张若楠, 孙丞虎, 李维京. 2018. 北极海冰与夏季欧亚遥相关型年际变化的联系及对我国夏季降水的影响.  地球物理学报,61(1): 91-105,doi: 10.6038/cjg2018K0755.

12. He, Q., Z. Zuo*, R.H. Zhang, and R.N. Zhang, 2018: Seasonal prediction and predictability of Eurasian spring snow water equivalent in NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 Reforecasts. Climate Dynamics, 50, 339–348.

11. Zhang, R.N., R.H. Zhang*, and Z. Zuo, 2017: Impact of Eurasian spring snow decrement on East Asian summer precipitation. Journal of Climate, 30, 3421–3437, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0214.1.

10. He, Q., Z. Zuo, R.H. Zhang, S. Yang, W. Wang, R.N. Zhang, and E. Riddle, 2016: Prediction skill and predictability of Eurasian snow cover fraction in the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 reforecasts. International Journal of Climatology, 36: 4071–4084.

9. Zhang, R.N., R.H. Zhang*, Z. Zuo, and W. Li, 2016: Temporal and spatial features and inter-annual variability of wintertime snow mass balance over China. International Journal of Climatology, 4632–4650, 36, 3897–3907.

8. Zhang, R.H., R.N. Zhang, and Z. Zuo, 2016: An Overview of Wintertime Snow Cover Characteristics over China and the Impact of Eurasian Snow Cover on Chinese Climate. J. Appl. Meter. Sci., (5): 513–526. (in Chinese). 张人禾,张若楠,左志燕,2016:中国冬季积雪特征及欧亚大陆积雪对中国气候影响, 气象学报,(5): 513–526.

7. Li, W., R.N. Zhang, C. Sun, H. Ren, J. Liu, J. Zuo, and X. Li, 2016: Recent Research Advances on the Interannual-interdecadal Variations of Drought/Flood in South China and Associated Causes, J. Appli. Meter. Sci., (5): 577–591. 李维京,张若楠,孙丞虎,任宏昌,刘景鹏,左金清,李想. 2016. 中国南方旱涝年际年代际变化及成因研究进展.应用气象学报,(5): 577–591.

6. Sun, C., S. Yang*, W. Li, and R.N. Zhang, 2015: Interannual variations of the dominant modes of East Asian winter monsoon and possible links to Arctic sea ice. Climate Dynamics, 1–16.

5. 贾孜拉•拜山, 李维京, 孙丞虎, 左金清, 张若楠, 刘景鹏. 1961—2014年我国西南地区干湿季变化特征. 气候变化研究进展, 2017, 13(2): 103-116.

4. Zhang, R.N., R.H. Zhang*, and Z. Zuo, 2015: Snow Cover Variations in Winter over China and Its Relationship with Arctic Oscillation. Chin. J. Atmos. Sci., 39(3): 634–642. (in Chinese). 张若楠,张人禾*,左志燕. 2015. 中国冬季积雪变化与北极涛动的联系.大气科学, 39(3): 634-642.

3. Zhang, R.N., R.H. Zhang*, and Z. Zuo, 2014: Characteristics and Differences of Multi-Snow Data in Winter over China. Clim. Environ. Rea., 19(5): 572–586. (in Chinese). 张若楠,张人禾*,左志燕. 2014. 中国冬季多种积雪参数的时空特征及差异性.气候与环境研究, 19(5): 572-586.

2. Zhang, R.H.*, Q. Li, and R.N. Zhang,2014: The Meteorological Conditions Analysis of Persistent Strong Fog and Haze over Middle and East China in January 2013. Science China Earth Sciences, 57(1): 26–35.

1. Zhang, R.N., and B. Wu*, 2011: The Northern Hemisphere atmospheric response to spring Arctic sea ice anomalies in CAM3. Chin. J. Atmos. Sci., 35(5): 847–862. (in Chinese). 张若楠,武炳义*. 2011. 北半球大气对春季北极海冰异常响应的数值模拟. 大气科学, 35(5): 847-862.


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