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成天涛(Tiantao Cheng)







B. S. (1997), 气候学, 南京信息工程大学(原南京气象学院)

M. S. (2000), 气象与气候学, 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所(原中国科学院高原大气物理研究所)

Ph. D. (2003), 大气物理与大气环境, 中国科学院大气物理研究所


2003.09-2003.12,讲师, 东华大学

2004.01-2006.05, 讲师, 复旦大学

2006.07-2007.06, 访问学者, Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology

2006.06-2011.09, 副 教 授, 复旦大学

2011.09- 至今, 教授, 复旦大学


2018-2021   有机成分对气溶胶云凝结核活性和雾滴形成的影响, 41775129,国家自然科学基金委,主持,68万   

2018-2022   气溶胶对流云降水相互作用机理研究及京津冀区域模式应用示范, 2017YFC1501405,国家重点研发计划,参与

2016-2018   我国东部大气环境集成观测与数据共享技术,2016YFC0202003,国家重点研发计划,参与   

2015-2018   城市近地面大气静电环境中空气离子与颗粒物相互作用,41475109,国家自然科学基金委,主持,82万

2014-2016   我国雾-霾监测与不同分辨率数值预报业务系统研究,2014BAC16B01,国家科技支撑计划,参与   

2014-2016   教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NCET-13-0134,教育部,主持,50万   

2012-2015   上海大气PM2.5污染形成及其对肺部疾病影响的机理机制研究,12DJ1400100,上海市科委,参与. 

2011-2013   大气气溶胶在水汽过饱和环境中的核化活性研究,41075096,国家自然科学基金委,主持,46万   

2010-2013   气溶胶吸收特性测量新技术研发,GYHY201006047,中国气象局行业公益专项,参与   

2010-2012   上海大气灰霾污染形成机制及基于中尺度化学模式的灰霾预警预报技术,10231203800,上海市科委,参与   

2009-2012   大气污染气溶胶吸湿增长及云雾凝结核活性的研究,08SG07,上海曙光计划,主持,15万    

2007-2009   复相化学反应对矿尘辐射特性及辐射强迫的影响,40605001,国家自然科学基金委,主持,30万

2006-2009   大气气溶胶多相反应对区域酸沉降影响研究,40533017,国家自然科学基金委,参与


2004   气象学原理在环境科学中应用, 本科生课程, 复旦大学(中国)   

2004   大气污染传输模式,研究生课程,复旦大学(中国)   

2010   大气气溶胶科学与技术,研究生课程,复旦大学(中国)   

2011   环境科学前沿,本科生课程,复旦大学(中国)   


1.Qianshan He, Fuhai Geng*, Chengcai Li, Shiqi Yang, Yanyu Wang, Haizhen Mu, Guangqiang Zhou, Xiaobo Liu, Wei Gao, Tiantao Cheng, Zheng Wu, 2018, Long-term characteristics of satellite-based PM2.5 over East China, Science of the Total Environment, 612, 1417-1423.

2.MengJie Guo, Yan Lyu, Tingting Xu, Bo Yao, Weihua Song, Mei Li, Xin Yang, Tiantao Cheng, Xiang Li*, 2018, Particle Size Distribution and Respiratory Deposition Estimates of Airborne Perfluorinated Acids during the Haze Period in the Megacity of Shanghai, Environment Pollution, 234, 9-19.

3.Yifan Wang, Yanyu Wang, Junyan Duan, Tiantao Cheng*, Hailin Zhu, Xin Xie, Yuehui Liu, Yan Ling, Xiang Li, Hongli Wang, Mei Li, 2018, Temporal variation of atmospheric static electric field and air ions on the surface of Shanghai, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, DO:10.4209/aaqr.2017.07.0248.

4.Tingting Xu, Li Xiang*, Xin Yang, Jianmin Chen, Tiantao Cheng*, 2017, Design and Application of a Novel Integrated Microsampling System for Simultaneous Collection of Gas and Particle Phases of Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Atmospheric Environment, 149, 1-11.

5.Yan Lyu, Tingting Xu, Xin Yang, Jianmin Chen, Tiantao Cheng*, Xiang Li*, 2017, Seasonal contributions to size-resolved n-alkanes (C8-C40) in the Shanghai atmosphere from regional anthropogenic activities and terrestrial plant waxes, Science of the Total Environment, 579, 1918-1928.

6.Y. Lyu, K. Zhang*, F. Chai, T. Cheng, Q. Yang, Z. Zheng and X. Li*, 2017, Atmospheric size-resolved trace elements in a city affected by non-ferrous metal smelting: indications of respiratory deposition and health risk, Environment Pollution, 224, 559-571.

7.Xiaoxiao Ding, Lingdong Kong*, Chengtian Du, Assiya Zhanzakova, Lin Wang, Hongbo Fu, Jianmin Chen*, Xin Yang, Tiantao Cheng, 2017, Long-range and regional transported size-resolved atmospheric aerosols during summertime in urban Shanghai, Science of the Total Environment, 583, 334-343.

8.Qiong Liu, Xiaojun Ma, Yanrong Yu, Yan Qin, Yonghang Chen*, Yanming Kang, Hua Zhang, Tiantao Cheng, Yan Ling, Yujie Tang, 2017, Comparison of optical and microphysical properties of ambient aerosols during slight haze periods between two megacities in China, Particuology, 33, 63-72.

9.Junyan Duan, Jun Tao, Yunfei Wu, Tiantao Cheng*, Renjian Zhang, Yanyu Wang, Hailin Zhu, Xin Xie, Yuehui Liu, Xiang Li, Lingdong Kong, Mei Li, Qianshan He, 2017, Comparison of aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei between wet and dry seasons in Guangzhou, southern China, Science of the Total Environment, 607, 11-22.

10.XiaoXiao Ding, LingDong Kong*, ChengTian Du, Assiya Zhanzakova, HongBo Fu, XingFu Tang, Lin Wang, Xin Yang, JianMin Chen*, TianTao Cheng, 2017, Characteristics of size-resolved atmospheric inorganic and carbonaceous aerosols in urban Shanghai, Atmospheric Environment, 167, 625-641.

11.Y. Lv, X. Li*, T. T. Xu, T. T. Cheng, X. Yang, J.M. Chen, Y. Iinuma and H. Herrmann*, 2016, Size distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban atmosphere: sorption mechanism and source contributions to respiratory deposition, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 2971-2983.

12.Yan Lv, Tingting Xu; Xiang Li*, Tiantao Cheng, Xin Yang, Jianmin Chen, 2016, Size Distribution of particle-associated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their implications for health, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 1025-1037.

13.Chunpeng Leng, J. Y., Duan, C., Xu, H. F., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y. F., Wang, X., Li*, L. D., Kong, J., Tao, T. T., Cheng*, R. J., Zhang, 2016, Insights into a historic severe haze weather in Shanghai: synoptic situation, boundary layer and pollutants, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 9221-9234.

14.Zhenyu Sun, Lingdong Kong*, Xiaoxiao Ding, Chengtian Du, Xi Zhao, Jianmin Chen, Hongbo Fu, Xin Yang, Tiantao Cheng, 2016, The effects of acetaldehyde, glyoxal and acetic acid on the heterogeneous reaction of nitrogen dioxide on gamma-alumina, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(14), 9367-9376.

15.Jianfei Du, Tiantao Cheng, Xiang Li*, 2016, A 20-year observation (1991-2009) of wet nitrogen (N) deposition in Megacity Shanghai, Int. J. Environmental Technology and Management, 19, 5/6, 444-454.

16.Tingting, Xu, Li, Xiang*, Ma, Hongying, Cheng, Tiantao, Wang, Huijie; Chen, Kai; Xu, Shifen; Chen, Jianmin, 2015, Using comprehensive GC×GC to study PAHs and n-alkanes associated with PM 2.5 in urban atmosphere, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(7), 5253-5262.

17.Qianshan He, Xiaoyan Zhao, Jing Lu, Guangqiang Zhou*, Hequn Yang, Wei Gao, Wei Yu, Tiantao Cheng, 2015, Impacts of biomass burning on aerosol properties of a severe haze event over Shanghai, Particuology, 20, 52-60.

18.Yunwei Zhang, Qun Zhang, Tiantao Cheng*, Jun Tao, Renjian Zhang, Chunpeng Leng, Deqin Zhang, Qianshan He, 2015, Evolution of aerosol vertical distribution during particulate pollution events in Shanghai, Journal of Meteorological Research, 29(3), 385-399.

19.Deqin Zhang, Qun Zhang, Chen Xu, Jianfei Du, Shuping Zha, Chunpeng Leng, Yunwei Zhang, Xiang Li, Jun Tao , Tiantao Cheng*, Renjian Zhang, 2015, Inter-annual variations of cloud and precipitation and their relationship with surface aerosols in Shanghai, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15(4), 1367-1379.

20.Zhao, Xi, Kong, Lingdong*, Sun, Zhenyu, Ding, Xiaoxiao, Cheng, Tiantao, Yang, Xin, Chen, Jianmin*, 2015, Interactions between Heterogeneous Uptake and Adsorption of Sulfur Dioxide and Acetaldehyde on Hematite, The Journal of Physical Chemistry-A(JPC), 119, 4001-4008.

21.Shi Chanshen, Wang Shanshan, Liu Rui, Zhou Rui, Li Donghui, Wang Wenxin, Li Zhengqiang, Cheng Tiantao, Zhou Bin*, 2015, A study of aerosol optical properties during ozone pollution episides in 2013 over Shanghai, China, Atmospheric Research, 153, 235-249.

22.Sun Zhenyu, Kong Lingdong*, Zhao Xi, Ding Xiaoxiao, Fu Hongbo, Cheng Tiantao, Yang, Xin, Chen, Jianmin*, 2015, Effect of Formaldehyde on the Heterogeneous Reaction of Nitrogen Dioxide on Gamma-Alumina, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(35). 9317-9324.

23.Tiantao Cheng*, Chunpeng Leng, Chen Xu, Junyan Duan, Yifan Wang, Jun Tao, Huizheng Che, Qianshan He, Yunfei Wu, Renjian Zhang, Xiang Li, Jianmin Chen, Lindong Kong, 2015, Seasonal Variation and Difference of Aerosol Optical Properties in Columnar and Surface Atmospheres over Shanghai, Atmospheric Environemnt, 123, 315-326.


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