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陈建民(Jianmin Chen)




电话:+86(021)3124-2298;传真: +86(21)3124-2080


ResearcherID: G-6484-2010

Jianmin Chen CV.pdf




19937月 复旦大学化学系物理化学专业 获博士学位

19907月 复旦大学化学系分析化学专业 获硕士学位

19857月 安徽工业大学化工系分析化学专业 获学士学位


20166月-至今 复旦大学大气科学研究院常务副院长

20123月-至今 复旦大学环境科学与工程系特聘教授

201210-20165月 山东大学环境科学与工程学院院长

20045月-200911月 复旦大学环境科学与工程系系主任

19985月-20044月 复旦大学环境科学与工程系系副主任、教授(200012月)

19963月-19974月 美国匹兹堡大学工学院访问副教授

199410月-19963月 复旦大学化学系系副主任、副教授(19955月)

19938月-19976月 化学系讲师、副教授(19955月)

19857月—19878月 安徽工业大学化工系助教


陆地生态系统-大气过程综合研究(iLEAPS)中国委员会副主任委员、第七届国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会(I IUGG)中国委员会委员,中国环境科学学会大气环境分会副理事长、中国环境科学学会臭氧污染与控制专业委员会副主任、中国环境科学学会环境化学专业委员会副主任、上海市环境科学学会大气科学分会主任委员等,《J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos.》、《Sci. Total Environ.》和《Heliyon Environment》副主编,《Aerosol Air Qual. Res.》、《J. Environ. Sci.》、《Adv. Environ. Res.》、《地球环境学报》、《环境化学》、《中国环境科学》等编委。


主要有大气(环境)化学、大气气溶胶、大气多相反应机理、云-气溶胶相互作用等。自行研制了多功能大气气溶胶烟雾箱(Aerosol Chamber)、气溶胶富集模拟系统(VVACES)、TDMALaser-CRDS,结合宽范围颗粒物谱仪(WPS)、NephelometerATOFMSLC Q Tof-MSGCxGC Tof-MS等先进设备,开展大气污染物综合观测、大气污染成因机制和多相反应机理模拟研究。主要成果:1. 发现矿尘-海盐混合气溶胶与COS反应具有强烈生成硫酸盐气溶胶的潜力, 首次认识到混合气溶胶形成硫酸盐表现出完成不同于单一组分的特性; 2. 提出含硫污染气体在矿尘表面形成硫酸盐的反应机理,揭示出反应活性与晶型密切相关,颗粒物表面吸附氧及表面羟基形成硫酸盐的催化氧化反应机理;3. 运用先进的大气在线和离线观测手段,在城市与农村重污染地区、高山、近海海面、长江航道等综合观测,揭示大气细颗粒物爆发增长大气化学机制、二次气溶胶化学组分变化规律、吸湿性及硫酸盐气溶胶形成的竞争机理;4. 发现农业秸秆燃烧、烟花燃放、船舶排放的黑碳/棕碳、PAHs等对空气质量、人健康具有重要影响。承担国家重点研发计划 “大气污染成因与控制技术研究”专项项目,国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划集成项目与重点支持项目、重大仪器(自由申请)、重点项目和面上项目,教育部重点项目,上海市科委重大项目与重大项目、企事业委托等20余项。

发表学术期刊论文440余篇,其中在Chem. Rev.ScienceJACSACPJGRES&T、等发表SCI论文370余篇,被引用12232次,H-index 56。获中国发明专利40余项。被多次邀请为国际会议分会场主持或做邀请报告。获2017年上海市教学成果一等奖(第1完成人),2011年上海市自然科学二等奖(第1)、2009年上海技术发明二等奖(第1)、2009年教育部科技进步奖推广类二等奖(第1)、2008年教育部自然科学一等奖(第1)、2006年上海市自然科学二等奖(第2)、2009年上海市教学成果二等奖(第1)等, 以及2020年科睿唯安(Clarivate)全球高被引科学家(交叉学科)、2015年国务院特殊津贴专家、2015年法国棕榈教育骑士勋章、2011年中国环境学会优秀环境科技工作者、2010年宝钢优秀教师奖、2010年“第六届”发明创业奖、2002年上海市科技创业领军人物、2009年上海市优秀青年教师等荣誉。


先后主讲了《大气化学基础》、《环境化学 A》、《环境灾害启示》、《环境科学前沿》、《环境化学前沿》等本科生课程,以及《高等大气化学》、《环境化学原理》、《清洁生产》、《绿色化学选读》、《环境催化》、《大气化学进展》、《大气气溶胶》、《研究生专业英语》等研究生课程。二十多年来主讲的《环境化学A》课程被评为2007年度复旦大学精品课程,2008年被列为上海市重点建设课程。



1.国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划集成项目: 大气细颗粒物毒性组分甄别研究(No. 91843301),起止年月:2019.1-2021.12

2.国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点支持项目:长三角代表性城市大气细颗粒样品的采集及其表征与解析(No. 91743202),起止年月:2018.1-2021.12


4.国家自然科学基金委重大仪器(自由申请)项目:大气颗粒物关键化学组分与生物毒性在线分析联用系统研制(No. 21527814),起止时间:2016.1-2020.12

5.美国唐仲英基金会项目:科学支撑立法控制大气PM2.5研究(No. CTF-FD2014001, 起止时间:2014.6-2017.6

6.国家自然科学基金面上项目:灰霾对雾形成机制的影响研究(No. 41375126, 起止时间:2014.1-2017.12

7.国家自然科学基金委重大项目课题:大气颗粒物界面过程与二次物种的形成(No. 21190053),起止时间:2012.1-2016.12

8.上海市科委重大项目: 上海大气PM2.5污染形成及其对肺部疾病影响的机理机制研究 (No. 12DJ1400100) ,起止时间:2012.102015.9

9.上海市优秀学科带头人计划: 大气气溶胶形成机制与环境影响(No. 13XD1400700),起止时间:2013.102015.9

10.欧盟地平线H2020项目课题:Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsMARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application No. 690958 MARSU-RISE-2015),起止时间:2016.22019.1


12.国家自然科学委基金面上项目:天然气燃烧形成气溶胶的反应活性及光辐射效应研究(No. 40575073),起止时间:2009.1-2011.12

13.国家自然科学基金面上项目:新生成黑炭演化为多组分大气细颗粒物的形成机制研究(No. 21077025, 起止时间:2011.12013.12

14.国家自然科学委基金重点项目:大气气溶胶多相反应对区域酸沉降的影响研究(No. 40533017),起止时间:2006.1-2009.12

15.欧盟第七框架协议(FP7)项目课题:Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsFate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants (AMIS, n°069720),起止时间:2012.12016.1



18.上海市科委国际合作项目:崇明生态岛大气污染特征与演化(No. 09160707700), 起止时间:2009.102011.9


20.国家自然科学基金委面上项目:大气颗粒物与含硫化合物复相反应的研究(No.20377008, 起止时间:2004.1-2006.12


1.The Fourth Sino-Eupeopean School on Atmospheric Chemistry (GZ 1613), Chinesisch.-Deutsches Zentrum fur Wissenchaftsforderung, 2019.11-2019.11

2.The Third Sino-Eupeopean School on Atmospheric Chemistry (GZ 1438), Chinesisch.-Deutsches Zentrum fur Wissenchaftsforderung, 2017.11-2017.12

3.The Second Sino-Eupeopean School on Atmospheric Chemistry (GZ 1227), Chinesisch.-Deutsches Zentrum fur Wissenchaftsforderung, 2015.10-2015.11

4.The First Sino-Eupeopean School on Atmospheric Chemistry (GZ 921), Chinesisch.-Deutsches Zentrum fur Wissenchaftsforderung, 2013.5-2013.5



  1. 1.Wang, L.; Zhang, L.; Ristovski, Z.; Zheng, X.; Wang, H.; Li, L.; Gao, J.; Salimi, F.; Gao, Y.; Jing, S.; Wang, L.; *Chen, J.; Stevanovic, S., Assessing the Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species and Volatile Organic Compound Profiles Coming from Certain Types of Chinese Cooking on the Toxicity of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Environ Sci Technol2020,54, (14), 8868-8877.

  2. 2.Wang, X.; Gemayel, R.; Hayeck, N.; Perrier, S.; Charbonnel, N.; Xu, C.; Chen, H.; Zhu, C.; Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Nizkorodov, S. A.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Wang, T.; Mellouki, A.; Riva, M.; *Chen, J.; *George, C., Atmospheric Photosensitization: A New Pathway for Sulfate Formation. Environ Sci Technol2020,54, (6), 3114-3120.

  3. 3.Wang, T.; Liu, Y.; Deng, Y.; Cheng, H.; Yang, Y.; Feng, Y.; Zhang, L.; Fu, H.; Chen, J., Photochemical Oxidation of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon (WSOC) on Mineral Dust and Enhanced Organic Ammonium Formation. Environ Sci Technol2020,.

  4. 4.Li, R.; Cui, L.; Fu, H.; Zhao, Y.; Zhou, W.; Chen, J., Satellite-Based Estimates of Wet Ammonium (NH4-N) Deposition Fluxes Across China during 20112016 Using a SpaceTime Ensemble Model. Environ Sci Technol2020,54, (21), 13419-13428.

  5. 5.Bai, Z.; Zhang, L.; Cheng, Y.; Zhang, W.; Mao, J.; Chen, H.; Li, L.; Wang, L.; Chen, J., Water/Methanol-Insoluble Brown Carbon Can Dominate Aerosol-Enhanced Light Absorption in Port Cities. Environ Sci Technol2020,.

  6. 6.Li, R.; Cui, L.; Fu, H.; Li, J.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, J., Satellite-based estimation of full-coverage ozone (O-3) concentration and health effect assessment across Hainan Island. J. Clean Prod2020,244, (118773).

  7. 7.Liu, Y.; Zhao, Q.; Hao, X.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Fu, Q.; Xu, X.; Wang, X.; Huo, J.; Chen, J., Increasing surface ozone and enhanced secondary organic carbon formation at a city junction site: An epitome of the Yangtze River Delta, China (2014-2017). Environ Pollut2020,265, (114847PT AA).

  8. 8.Chen, H.; Huo, J.; Fu, Q.; Duan, Y.; Xiao, H.; Chen, J., Impact of quarantine measures on chemical compositions of PM2.5 during the COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai, China. Sci Total Environ2020,743, (140758).

  9. 9.Zhu, C.; Li, J.; Chen, H.; Cheng, T.; Wen, L.; Herrmann, H.; Xiao, H.; Chen, J., Inorganic composition and occult deposition of frost collected under severe polluted area in winter in the North China Plain. Sci Total Environ2020,722, (137911).

  10. 10.Zhang, F.; Shang, X.; Chen, H.; Xie, G.; Fu, Y.; Wu, D.; Sun, W.; Liu, P.; Zhang, C.; Mu, Y.; Zeng, L.; Wan, M.; Wang, Y.; Xiao, H.; Wang, G.; Chen, J., Significant impact of coal combustion on VOCs emissions in winter in a North China rural site. Sci Total Environ2020,720, (137617).

  11. 11.Mao, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, F.; Chen, J.; Sun, J.; Wang, S.; Zou, Z.; Zhou, J.; Yu, Q.; Ma, W.; Chen, L., Simulating the impacts of ship emissions on coastal air quality: Importance of a high -resolution emission inventory relative to cruise- and land -based observations. Sci Total Environ2020,728, (138454).

  12. 12.Xu, X.; Lu, X.; Li, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Yang, X.; Fu, T.; Zhao, Q.; Fu, Q., ROS-generation potential of Humic-like substances (HULIS) in ambient PM2.5 in urban Shanghai: Association with HULIS concentration and light absorbance. Chemosphere2020,256, (127050).

  13. 13.Zhang, F.; Guo, H.; Chen, Y.; Matthias, V.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Size-segregated characteristics of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and organic matter in particulate matter (PM) emitted from different types of ships in China. Atmos Chem Phys2020,20, (3), 1549-1564.

  14. 14.Li, J.; Zhu, C.; Chen, H.; Zhao, D.; Xue, L.; Wang, X.; Li, H.; Liu, P.; Liu, J.; Zhang, C.; Mu, Y.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, L.; Herrmann, H.; Li, K.; Liu, M.; Chen, J., The evolution of cloud and aerosol microphysics at the summit of Mt.~Tai, China. Atmos Chem Phys2020,20, (22), 13735--13751.

  15. 15.Zhu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Lv, G.; George, C.; Herrmann, H.; Fu, H.; Li, D.; Zhang, L.; Sun, X.; Sun, H.; Guan, X.; Li, Q.; Dong, W.; Li, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.; Liu, Q.; Chen, J.; Jiang, G., Complexation of Fe(III)/Catechols in atmospheric aqueous phase and the consequent cytotoxicity assessment in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B). Ecotox Environ Safe2020,202, (110898).

  16. 16.Wei, Y.; Chen, H.; Sun, H.; Zhang, F.; Shang, X.; Yao, L.; Zheng, H.; Li, Q.; Chen, J., Nocturnal PM2.5 explosive growth dominates severe haze in the rural North China Plain. Atmos Res2020,242, (105020).

  17. 17.Sun, H.; Chen, H.; Yao, L.; Chen, J.; Zhu, Z.; Wei, Y.; Ding, X.; Chen, J., Sources and health risks of PM2.5-bound polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in a North China rural area. J. Environ Sci-China2020,95, (SI), 240-247.

  18. 18.Wang, J.; Sun, S.; Zhang, C.; Xue, C.; Liu, P.; Zhang, C.; Mu, Y.; Wu, H.; Wang, D.; Chen, H.; Chen, J., The pollution levels, variation characteristics, sources and implications of atmospheric carbonyls in a typical rural area of North China Plain during winter. J. Environ Sci-China2020,95, (SI), 256-265.

  19. 19.Han, Y.; Chen, Y.; Feng, Y.; Song, W.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Q.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Different formation mechanisms of PAH during wood and coal combustion under different temperatures. Atmos Environ2020,222, (117084).

  20. 20.Liang, Y.; Li, Q.; Ding, X.; Wu, D.; Wang, F.; Otsuki, T.; Cheng, Y.; Shen, T.; Li, S.; Chen, J., Forward ultra-low emission for power plants via wet electrostatic precipitators and newly developed demisters: Filterable and condensable particulate matters. Atmos Environ2020,225, 117372.

  21. 21.Yao, L.; Huo, J.; Wang, D.; Fu, Q.; Sun, W.; Li, Q.; Chen, J., Online measurement of carbonaceous aerosols in suburban Shanghai during winter over a three-year period: Temporal variations, meteorological effects, and sources. Atmos Environ2020,226, 117408.

  22. 22.Li, J.; Zhu, C.; Chen, H.; Fu, H.; Xiao, H.; Wang, X.; Herrmann, H.; Chen, J., A More Important Role for the Ozone-S(IV) Oxidation Pathway Due to Decreasing Acidity in Clouds. J. Geophys Res-Atmos2020,125, (e2020JD03322018).

  23. 23.Ding, X.; Li, Q.; Wu, D.; Huo, Y.; Liang, Y.; Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Wang, S.; Wang, T.; Ye, X.; Chen, J., Gaseous and Particulate Chlorine Emissions From Typical Iron and Steel Industry in China. J. Geophys Res-Atmos2020,125, (e2020JD03272915).

  24. 24.Liu, Z.; Chen, H.; Li, Q.; Sun, J.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.; Xiao, H.; Li, M.; Chen, J., Size-Resolved Mixing States and Sources of Amine-Containing Particles in the East China Sea. J. Geophys Res-Atmos2020,125, (e2020JD03316218).

  25. 25.Wang, L.; Zhu, S.; Liu, Z.; Lu, J.; Xiang, Z.; Lan, J.; Liu, J.; Yu, M.; Chen, Y.; Chen, J., Characterization of particulate matter and its extinction ability during different seasons and weather conditions in Sinkiang, China: two case studies. Environ Sci Pollut R.2020,27, (18), 22414-22422.

  26. 26.Teich, M.; Schmidtpott, M.; van Pinxteren, D.; Chen, J.; Herrmann, H., Separation and quantification of imidazoles in atmospheric particles using LC-Orbitrap-MS. J. Sep Sci2020,43, (3), 577-589.

  27. 27.Shang, X.; Li, L.; Zhang, X.; Kang, H.; Sui, G.; Wang, G.; Ye, X.; Xiao, H.; Chen, J., A semi-continuous study on the toxicity of atmospheric particles using a versatile aerosol concentration enrichment system (VACES): development and field characterization. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions2020,2020, 1--20.


  28. 28.Zhang, F.; Yu, X.; Sui, X.; Chen, J.; Zhu, Z.; Yu, X., Evolution of aqSOA from the Air-Liquid Interfacial Photochemistry of Glyoxal and Hydroxyl Radicals. Environ Sci Technol2019,53, (17), 10236-10245.

  29. 29.Pang, H.; Zhang, Q.; Lu, X.; Li, K.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Yang, X.; Ma, Y.; Ma, J.; Huang, C., Nitrite-Mediated Photooxidation of Vanillin in the Atmospheric Aqueous Phase. Environ Sci Technol2019,53, (24), 14253-14263.

  30. 30.Pang, H.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, H.; Cai, D.; Ma, Y.; Li, L.; Li, K.; Lu, X.; Chen, H.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Photochemical Aging of Guaiacol by Fe(III)-Oxalate Complexes in Atmospheric Aqueous Phase. Environ Sci Technol2019,53, (1), 127-136.

  31. 31.Ding, X.; Li, Q.; Wu, D.; Liang, Y.; Xu, X.; Xie, G.; Wei, Y.; Sun, H.; Zhu, C.; Fu, H.; Chen, J., Unexpectedly Increased Particle Emissions from the Steel Industry Determined by Wet/Semidry/Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization Technologies. Environ Sci Technol2019,53, (17), 10361-10370.

  32. 32.Yao, L.; Wang, D.; Fu, Q.; Qiao, L.; Wang, H.; Li, L.; Sun, W.; Li, Q.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.; Zhao, Z.; Kan, H.; Xian, A.; Wang, G.; Xiao, H.; Chen, J., The effects of firework regulation on air quality and public health during the Chinese Spring Festival from 2013 to 2017 in a Chinese megacity. Environ Int2019,126, 96-106.

  33. 33.Wu, D.; Ding, X.; Li, Q.; Sun, J.; Huang, C.; Yao, L.; Wang, X.; Ye, X.; Chen, Y.; He, H.; Chen, J., Pollutants emitted from typical Chinese vessels: Potential contributions to ozone and secondary organic aerosols. J. Clean Prod2019,238, (UNSP 117862).

  34. 34.Li, R.; Fu, H.; Cui, L.; Li, J.; Wu, Y.; Meng, Y.; Wang, Y.; Chen, J., The spatiotemporal variation and key factors of SO2 in 336 cities across China. J. Clean Prod2019,210, 602-611.

  35. 35.Sun, W.; Wang, D.; Yao, L.; Fu, H.; Fu, Q.; Wang, H.; Li, Q.; Wang, L.; Yang, X.; Xian, A.; Wang, G.; Xiao, H.; Chen, J., Chemistry-triggered events of PM2.5 explosive growth during late autumn and winter in Shanghai, China. Environ Pollut2019,254, (A), 112864.

  36. 36.Li, R.; Wang, Z.; Cui, L.; Fu, H.; Zhang, L.; Kong, L.; Chen, W.; Chen, J., Air pollution characteristics in China during 2015-2016: Spatiotemporal variations and key meteorological factors. Sci Total Environ2019,648, 902--915.

  37. 37.Yao, L.; Zhan, B.; Xian, A.; Sun, W.; Li, Q.; Chen, J., Contribution of transregional transport to particle pollution and health effects in Shanghai during 2013-2017. Sci Total Environ2019,677, 564--570.

  38. 38.Dong, H.; Zheng, L.; Duan, X.; Zhao, W.; Chen, J.; Liu, S.; Sui, G., Cytotoxicity analysis of ambient fine particle in BEAS-2B cells on an air-liquid interface (ALI) microfluidics system. Sci Total Environ2019,677, 108-119.

  39. 39.Cui, L.; Li, R.; Fu, H.; Li, Q.; Zhang, L.; George, C.; Chen, J., Formation features of nitrous acid in the offshore area of the East China Sea. Sci Total Environ2019,682, 138--150.

  40. 40.Zhu, X.; Liu, Y.; Li, L.; Shi, Q.; Hou, J.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, S.; Chen, J., Nonthermal air plasma dehydration of hydrochar improves its carbon sequestration potential and dissolved organic matter molecular characteristics. Sci Total Environ2019,659, 655--663.

  41. 41.Chen, L.; Li, Q.; Di Wu; Sun, H.; Wei, Y.; Ding, X.; Chen, H.; Cheng, T.; Chen, J., Size distribution and chemical composition of primary particles emitted during open biomass burning processes: Impacts on cloud condensation nuclei activation. Sci Total Environ2019,674, 179--188.

  42. 42.Wang, Z.; Wang, T.; Fu, H.; Zhang, L.; Tang, M.; George, C.; Grassian, V. H.; Chen, J., Enhanced heterogeneous uptake of sulfur dioxide on mineral particles through modification of iron speciation during simulated cloud processing. Atmos Chem Phys2019,19, (19), 12569--12585.

  43. 43.Chang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, J.; Tian, C.; Song, L.; Zhai, X.; Zhang, W.; Huang, T.; Lin, Y.; Zhu, C.; Fang, Y.; Lehmann, M. F.; Chen, J., Isotopic constraints on the atmospheric sources and formation of nitrogenous species in clouds influenced by biomass burning. Atmos Chem Phys2019,19, (19), 12221-12234.

  44. 44.Li, Z.; Nizkorodov, S. A.; Chen, H.; Lu, X.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Nitrogen-containing secondary organic aerosol formation by acrolein reaction with ammonia/ammonium. Atmos Chem Phys2019,19, (2), 1343--1356.

  45. 45.Zhang, F.; Yu, X.; Chen, J.; Zhu, Z.; Yu, X., Dark air{extendash} liquid interfacial chemistry of glyoxal and hydrogen peroxide. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science2019,2, (1).

  46. 46.Jing, W.; Liu, Q.; Wang, M.; Zhang, X.; Chen, J.; Sui, G.; Wang, L., A method for particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) biotoxicity assay using luminescent bacterium. Ecotox Environ Safe2019,170, 796--803.

  47. 47.Xu, C.; Wei, M.; Chen, J.; Zhu, C.; Li, J.; Xu, X.; Wang, W.; Zhang, Q.; Ding, A.; Kan, H.; Zhao, Z.; Mellouki, A., Profile of inhalable bacteria in PM2.5 at Mt. Tai, China: Abundance, community, and influence of air mass trajectories. Ecotox Environ Safe2019,168, 110-119.

  48. 48.Zhao, W.; Fu, P.; Yue, S.; Li, L.; Xie, Q.; Zhu, C.; Wei, L.; Ren, H.; Li, P.; Li, W.; Sun, Y.; Wang, Z.; Kawamura, K.; Chen, J., Excitation-emission matrix fluorescence, molecular characterization and compound-specific stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved organic matter in cloud water over Mt. Tai. Atmos Environ2019,213, 608-619.

  49. 49.Li, R.; Cui, L.; Zhao, Y.; Fu, H.; Li, Q.; Zhang, L.; Chen, J., Size-segregated water-soluble N-bearing species in the land-sea boundary zone of East China. Atmos Environ2019,218, 116990.

  50. 50.Ye, X.; Tao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wang, R.; Li, Q.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Size-fractionated water-soluble ions during autumn and winter: Insights into volatile ammonium formation mechanisms in Shanghai, a megacity of China. Atmospheric Environment: X2019,2, 100011.


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