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探索气候变化及其风险 | 2024国际暑期学校报名已开启
发布时间: 2024-05-06

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2024 International Summer School Program on Climate Change and Related Risks, July 21 – August 8, Shanghai, China

Hosted by

- Fudan University

Supported by

- World Meteorological Organization

- Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality International Program (MAP-AQ)

- Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Program (IRDR)

Organized by

- Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Fudan University

- Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University

- IRDR International Centre of Excellence on Risk Interconnectivity and Governance on Weather/Climate Extremes Impact and Public Health (ICoE-RIG-WECEIPHE)

- MAP-AQ Asian Office Shanghai

1. 国际暑期学校简介Introduction

Climate change has emerged as one of the most critical challenges in the 21st century. The relentless rise in global temperatures has far-reaching implications for natural and socio-economic systems, public health, and the lives of individuals worldwide. Beyond the overall increase in temperature, climate change is also associated with a higher frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, heavy rainfall, severe storms, floods, and droughts. In the 2024 World Economic Forum Risk Report, extreme weather events ranked the 2nd global risk by severity over the short term (2 years) and the 1st global risk over the long term (10 years). The consequences of these events are particularly severe, resulting in substantial losses and damages. The impacts of climate change are far-reaching and profoundly affect various facets of our living environment. This includes not only planetary health (encompassing marine, freshwater, biodiversity, and terrestrial ecosystems) but also human society (including energy, water resources, food security, habitats, infrastructure, economy, transport, shipping, human health, tourism, well-being, culture, and population migrations). Tackling the complex, cascading, and systemic risks arising from human-induced climate change is an urgent priority for the decades ahead, demanding concerted efforts and innovative solutions to safeguard our planet and its inhabitants.

Fudan University (FDU), with the support of the World Meteorological Organization/Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (WMO/GAW), the Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality International Research Program (MAP-AQ), and the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Program (IRDR), has established a groundbreaking decade-long summer school program dedicated to exploring climate change and its associated risks. This event will be organized by Fudan University's Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS), the IRDR International Centre of Excellence on Risk Interconnectivity and Governance on Weather/Climate Extremes Impact and Public Health (ICoE-RIG-WECEIPHE), and the MAP-AQ Asian Office Shanghai.

The summer school program is designed to serve as a multidisciplinary and global platform, bringing together students and young professionals from a wide range of fields, including natural sciences (with a focus on atmospheric and oceanic sciences), social sciences (such as economics), and interdisciplinary sciences (such as environmental science and public health). The primary objective is to cultivate the next generation of scientists and leaders in climate governance by immersing early-career researchers in state-of-the-art climate change research and fostering inclusive collaboration and holistic, integrative problem-solving approaches. Participants will benefit from a comprehensive curriculum featuring courses, lectures, and exchanges that provide insights into the latest research developments and scientific methodologies, empowering them to advance their professional growth in this crucial field. To enrich the learning experience, the organizers plan to invite 10-20 internationally renowned scholars to Fudan University in Shanghai to deliver lectures and engage in meaningful interactions with early-career scientists.

The summer school will take place annually, with each year's theme decided by a steering committee. The themes will revolve around climate change and its associated risks.

2. 2024年度主题介绍 Description of 2024 Session

In 2024, the International Summer School Program on Climate Change and Related Risks will be held at Fudan University’s Jiangwan campus from July 21 to August 8, with a focus on climate change and air quality. These two global challenges are closely linked and have a combined impact on the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Research indicates that climate change may deteriorate air quality by altering emissions, reactions, and transport of chemical species as well as creating stagnant weather conditions that contribute to the occurrence of severe air pollution episodes. Conversely, air pollutants can also influence climate change. Particulate matters, which pose significant risks to human health, can have either a cooling or warming effect on the atmosphere, depending on its properties. It is widely recognized that climate actions, such as reducing fossil fuel consumption and transitioning to clean energy sources, not only help mitigate climate change but also lead to substantial improvements in air quality. Gaining a deeper understanding of the intricate relationships between climate change and air quality is of utmost importance.

The summer school has invited several internationally acclaimed scholars and officials who are at the vanguard of their respective fields and possess extensive teaching experience to deliver lectures. Additionally, a select group of outstanding young scholars and officials will be invited to present their cutting-edge research findings in related areas and to support group discussions. The program is organized into three modules:(a) Science Basis of Climate Change, (b) Climate Change Governance, and (c) Climate Change – Air Quality – Health Nexus. The summer school will be conducted entirely in English.

The summer school welcomes applications from students, postdocs, and early-career professionals worldwide. From the pool of applicants, 100-200 outstanding participants will be selected to attend the program. In addition to lectures and oral presentations, the summer school will feature interactive discussions and group mini-project assignments designed to promote collaboration and networking among participants. Groups that demonstrate exceptional performance and engagement will be recognized with awards.

3. 初步日程安排Draft Schedule

Jul 21st

14:00 – 17:00


17:00 – 20:00

Welcome Party

Jul 22nd

08:30 – 09:00

Opening Ceremony

Jul 22nd– Jul 26th

09:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 17:00

Lectures & Discussions

Jul 27th

09:00 – 12:00

Campus Walk (Fudan University)

Jul 28th

09:00 – 12:00

Shanghai Meteorological Museum/Zikawei Observatory Museum

Jul 29th– Aug 7th

09:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 17:00

Lectures & Discussions

Aug 8th

09:00 – 11:00

Mini-project presentation

11:00 – 12:00

Closing Ceremony and Award Announcing

4. 授课专家简介Keynote Speakers (in alphabetical order of surname)

[Alexander Baklanov]

Dr. Baklanov is an Affiliated Professor at the University of Copenhagen and a consultant for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). He is a member (Academician) of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and the Academia Europaea. He has more than 30 years of experience in environmental and atmospheric research, in particular in developing a new generation of online coupled meteorology-chemistry models, especially for urban applications.

[Gregory R. Carmichael]

Dr. Carmichael is the University of Iowa’s Karl Kammermeyer Professor. He serves as the chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). He is a leader in the development and application of chemical transport models at scales ranging from local to global. His studies have led to a deeper understanding of the importance of long-range transport of pollutants within Asia and across the Pacific.

[Aiguo Dai]

Dr. Dai is a Distinguished Professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York, USA. He is an internationally renowned climate scientist with a focus on climate variability and change, Arctic climate, the global water cycle, hydroclimate, drought, the diurnal cycle, and climate data analysis. He is an AMS Fellow and one of the world’s top 1% Highly Cited Researchers.

[Rajesh Kumar]

Dr. Kumar is a project scientist in the National Security Applications Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA. He is also a founder and co-chair of the international MAP-AQ (Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Air Quality) project affiliated with the WMO and IGAC. He is a recognized expert on a range of air quality topics including analysis of in-situ and satellite products, emission estimates, source attribution, aerosol and dust modeling, chemistry climate simulations, air quality forecasting, and chemical data assimilation.

[Jürg Luterbacher]

Dr. Luterbacher is a Professor at the Justus Liebig University Giessen. From 2020 to 2024 he served as the Director of Science and Innovation Department and Chief Scientist at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). He is an elected member of the Scientific Advisory Board appointed by UN Secretary-General Guterres and a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature / Mainz, Germany. He contributed significantly to the holistic Climate-Earth System approach and has repeatedly received recognition as the Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Geosciences.

[Daniele Violetti]

Mr. Violetti is the Senior Director of the Programmes Coordination at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He provides strategic direction and oversight in relation to the work of the Programmes Department, comprised of the four Programmes divisions (Adaptation, Means of Implementation, Mitigation, and Transparency).

[Elena Xoplaki]

Dr. Xoplaki is a distinguished climatologist and academic leader, currently serving as Head of the Climatology, Climate Dynamics, and Climate Change group at Justus Liebig University Giessen. She is a fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Vice-Chair of the ITU-WMO-UNEP Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management. Her commitment to enhancing climate science and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration has yielded recognition, including the prestigious 2020 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.

[Panmao Zhai]

Dr. Zhai is the Chief Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and a member of the National Climate Change Expert Committee in China. He has been actively involved with the IPCC Working Group I as the lead author for AR4 and AR5, and as the Co-Chair for AR6. His primary area of research focuses on the detection, attribution, and projection of extreme weather and climate events.

[Tong Zhu]

Dr. Zhu is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and a Professor at Peking University. His long-term research in atmospheric chemistry and environmental health has yielded innovative results. He is ranked as one of the most cited Chinese researchers in Environmental Sciences by Elsevier, and a highly cited researcher in cross-field by Clarivate and Web of Science.

Keynote Speaker

Lecture Topics

Alexander Baklanov

  • Environmental and climate change: interactions and seamless integrated multi-scale modelling

Greg Carmichael

  • Advancing atmospheric composition analysis and predictions and related services to meet the growing societal needs

  • Multi-sensor exposure estimates to help better understand air pollution & climate change impacts on life-span health

Aiguo Dai

  • Precipitation response to global warming

  • Drought under global warming

  • Climatic impacts of Arctic sea ice-air interactions

  • Cause and impacts of Arctic amplification

Jürg Luterbacher

  • Early warnings for all initiative: Opportunities for UN organizations and scientist to collaborate on global climate challenge

  • Volcanoes, climate and extremes; the Tambora volcano of 1815, an example of the impact on climate, society, health and economy

Rajesh Kumar

  • Deterministic and probabilistic short-term air quality predictions

  • Future projections of air quality in a changing climate

Daniele Violetti

  • Intergovernmental processes on climate change and latest development

Elena Xoplaki

  • Using climate models for societal impact studies and AI for natural disaster management: the ITU/WMO/UNEP Focus Group AI4NDM

  • Climate variability and resilience of past societies

Panmao Zhai

  • Climate change risks and governance

Tong Zhu

  • Health effects of air pollution

  • Health effects of climate change

5. 报名要求及方式Application Information

(1)Applicant Requirements

The summer school welcomes applications from students, postdoctoral researchers, and young scholars who have received their Ph.D. degree within the past 5 years in atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences, climate governance, or relevant fields. Applicants from all countries are encouraged to apply. Proficiency in English is a prerequisite for participation.

(2)Tuitions & Fees

The summer school does not charge any tuition fees. However, participants are mostly responsible for covering their own expenses related to meals, transportation, and accommodation.

(3)Scholarship Opportunities

The summer school program will select 10-20 exceptional international applicants and provide scholarships to cover their international travel (economy class), accommodation, and meal expenses. Priority will be given to international students from developing countries. Applicants interested in being considered for a scholarship must submit their application before May 20th, 2024.

(4)Application Procedure

a) International Applicants:

     Please sign up and log in to http://istudent.fudan.edu.cn/apply to complete the online registration form and upload the required supporting documents.

     To locate our program, you can either (1) click on " Personal Application," then click on "Senior Advanced Student", and search for "2024 International Summer School Program on Climate Change and Related Risks: Climate Change and Air Quality" or (2) enter “256719” in the quick search channel.

     The Admission Code "256719" is necessary to initiate the application process.

b) Domestic Applicants:

     Please sign up and log in to http://register.fudan.edu.cn  to complete the online registration form and upload the required supporting documents.



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2.  I am Chinese and I am a student in an oversea university now. I am very interested in the international summer school program and would like to apply for it. However, I am uncertain about whether I should submit my application as a domestic or international applicant.

Distinguish between domestic and international applicants based on your nationality. You may use the " domestic applicant" portal for application.

(5)Application supporting materials Documents (Please note that applications without all required supporting documents will not be considered)

a) Passport Photocopy (Personal Information Page) - for international applicants only

b) Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV)

c) Publications in PDF format (if applicable)

d) Personal Statement (maximum of 1 page with 2 paragraphs addressing the following questions)

What is your motivation to attend the 2024 International Summer School on Climate Change and Related Risks: Climate Change and Air Quality?

How do your interests and/or research relate to climate change and air quality? How does this event align with your research/career goals?

(6)Important dates

a) Application Open: April 15th, 2024.

b) Deadline for Scholarship Consideration: May 20th, 2024.

c) Deadline for General Application: June 15th, 2024.

Applicants will be informed of the selection outcome within two weeks of the above deadlines.

(7)Contact Information

Dr. Huiling Ouyang, Email: ouyanghuiling@fudan.edu.cn

Ms. Ruping Wang, Email: wangruping@fudan.edu.cn, Phone: +86-21-31248810

Ms. Shengmei Ding, Email: dingshengmei@fudan.edu.cn

For more information, please visit https://iss-climatechange.fudan.edu.cn

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